Whole Foods Sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour to Indoctrinate Children with Perversion, Pedophilia and Transgenderism

‘Lil Miss Hot Mess’ reads to children during the Feminist Press’ presentation of Drag Queen Story Hour at the Park Slope branch of Brooklyn Public Library in New York. PHOTO: Young Post/AP

By Mike Adams | 19 July 2019

NATURAL NEWS — The sick, twisted agenda of the deranged Left has come full circle today as Whole Foods is now sponsoring a Drag Queen Story Hour event to indoctrinate children into pedophilia, transgenderism and perversion. A retailer that once promoted organics and clean food is now saturated in absolute filth, exploiting America’s children to be “groomed” for the pedophiles and perverts that are repeatedly linked to drag queen events in multiple cities across America.

Not to be forgotten, Whole Foods also completely reversed its 2013 promise to label the GMO status of everything it sells by the end of 2018. As Natural News revealed, the promise was a five-year deliberate lie by the dishonest Whole Foods Market corporation, which continues to sell contaminated products and GMO canola oil to its customers.

Not only are Whole Foods’ product offerings filthy from a food science point of view; its cultural indoctrination programs are rooted in filth and child “grooming” that prepares children to be sexually molested by adult perverts dressed as women. Drag Queen Story Hour is a front for the pedophilia wing of the extreme transgender pervert community, which exploits young children for the sexual gratification of sicko adults, many of whom have been found to have criminal histories of sex abuse and child exploitation. […]

1 Comment on Whole Foods Sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour to Indoctrinate Children with Perversion, Pedophilia and Transgenderism

  1. AMZN acquired Whole Foods in 2017 — Jeff Bezos of AMZN, who while married had an affair with another married woman, has supported BLM with both barrels (his Instagram went total race cuck) — so no one should be surprised about this or anything else Whole Foods might do or has done.

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