Yemen: There’s No Business Like War Business

CARTOON: via Pinterest

The purpose of the Yemeni war is two-fold. First, it’s an excuse for Salafi Wahhabist Saudi Arabia to continue a legacy of killing Shia infidels. Second, Yemen is another beta test for extermination and war profiteering by the U.S. Zio-con Crime Syndicate. Try asking the Aunt Millies and Uncle Ralphs on the streets of America what Yemen is all about. I doubt more than 2% even know where Yemen is on a map.

This is the money shot of the whole brazen evil affair: a $100,000 American missile launched by a $20 million plane that flies at a cost of $6,000 dollars per hour and kills people who live on just $1 a day in Yemen.

As for who’s the biggest warmonger — Trump or Obama — data shows it’s a toss up. A report released last week by the Security Assistance Monitor (SAM) program of the Center for International Policy documents more than $80 billion in U.S. arms sales notifications during the Trump administration’s first year. The total of $82.2 billion for 2017 slightly exceeds the Obama administration’s total of $76.5 billion for 2016.

However, there is a key difference: The Trump Administration lifted Obama-era suspensions on specific arms deals to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

“Signing off on missile and bomb sales to Saudi Arabia when the country was using these weapons to attack the civilian population in Yemen sent an alarming signal about the U.S. support for human rights,” said Colby Goodman, the Director of the Security Assistance Monitor and editor of the report.

U.S. weapons contractors reportedly sold $610 million in precision-guided bombs and small-arms ammunition to the Saudis and another $48.6 million in M-4 and M-16 automatic rifles and spare parts to the Emiratis. Congress receives detailed readouts of direct U.S. commercial weapons sales, but only cursory data is made public. Under the program, the UAE spent nearly $60 million for small arms in 2016, while Saudi Arabia purchased about $11 million worth of machine guns.

To Saudi Arabia in 2017 the Crime Syndicate also provided significant supplies of guided munitions to boost the Saudi-led air war in Yemen, delivering 4,000 joint direct attack munitions that can be latched onto “dumb bombs” for more accurate targeting. Another 1,000 of the smart-bomb kits were delivered to the UAE the year before.

In addition, there’s no accounting for $500 million in arms and military equipment to the puppet government of Yemen. A 2015 Washington Post story revealed this morsel:

U.S. military officials declined to comment for the record. A defense official, speaking on the condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the Pentagon, said there was no hard evidence that U.S. arms or equipment had been looted or confiscated. But the official acknowledged that the Pentagon had lost track of the items.

There’s also a blockade in place to facilitate this genocide. Save the Children has warned that more than 50,000 Yemeni youngsters are expected to die by the end of the year as a result of disease and starvation caused by the stalemated war in the country,

Seven million people are on the brink of famine in Yemen, which is in the grips of the largest cholera outbreak in modern history, with 360,000 cases and counting. An estimated 130 Yemeni children are dying every day and an estimated 400,000 children will need treatment for acute malnutrition this year, the charity said.

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