Countries are getting increasingly fed up of being told what to do by Brussels.
17 May 2017
WEST MONSTER — Denmark have announced they are prepared to defy the European Commission with regards to border checks inside the Schengen passport-free zone, if necessary, in order to protect their national security.
The European Commission recently agreed that Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Sweden to continue checks at their respective borders for another 6 months, but warned that it would be the last time they would be permitted (yes, countries need permission from the EU to protect themselves) to do so.
Prime Minister, Lars Loekke Rasmussen, told the Danish Parliament on Tuesday that the number of people coming from Africa to Europe was “much, much too high”.
He added: “We will continue border controls unless the EU miraculously finds ways to regain control of its outer frontiers and Italy curbs the flow of refugees into Europe”. […]
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