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South Koreans Toss Out Occultist President Park Geun-hye

From the hope-springs-eternal department, South Korean police on Friday arrested and jailed former President Park Geun-hye over allegations of extortion and bribery. Lawmakers ousted Geun-hye on March 10 after millions took to the streets demanding the removal of this woman — the country’s first female president — who is an admitted corrupto Occultist. This story should be a wake-up call for the entire world. Yes, this sort of wickedness is really going on in the world. No, it’s not just the in the imaginations of “conspiracy theorists.”

Geun-hye is facing at least 13 charges in total, including having businesses donate to a fraudulent foundation in exchange for political favors. Sound familiar, Hillary? She also shared highly classified state secrets with a female aide with whom she had an intimate relationship. Police arrested her before she could destroy or tamper with evidence. As she was hauled off to jail, one commentator said,  “Finally, we see that it can happen. Justice is real.”

Beneath the friendly purple flowers resides a toxic maze of corruption and “spirit” possession.

She had convinced the people of South Korea that she was a champion of progress and human values. She even ran on the well-worn slogan of “hope,” the “right to pursue happiness” and as a beacon for women.

Geun-hye came to office in 2013. Her election was marked by “dirty politics”and smear tactics. Her governing style was criticized as a mixture of trend-following and corner-cutting. She was criticized for picking the “wrong people” for senior government posts, including some involved in scandals. Imagine that.

In 2013 and ’14, Park was ranked 11th on Forbes’ list of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women and was said to be the most powerful woman in East Asia. She had a long political career before becoming president and was the daughter of South Korean strongman Park Chung-hee, the third president of South Korea, who served between 1963 and ’79. Senior Park was assassinated in 1979. She never married.

The Real Park Geun-hye

But it wasn’t just the corruption and extortion. It was also reported that Geun-hye was involved in occult activity and rituals during which she believed entities were taking “complete control” of “her body and mind.”

In late October 2016, investigations began into her relationship with Choi Soon-sil, daughter of the late Church of Eternal Life cult leader. Choi, who holds no official government position, yet had access to confidential documents and information and acted as a close confidant and “spiritual guide” for the President. Choi and Geun-hye’s senior staff used their influence to extort W77.4 billion (approximately $75 million) from Korean chaebols (family owned, large business conglomerates).

Ahn Jong-bum and Jeong Ho-sung, top presidential aides, were also arrested for abusing power and helping Choi. They deny wrongdoing and claim that they were simply following Geun-hye’s orders.

On Oct. 25, Park publicly acknowledged her close ties with Choi. Park was then forced to clean house, dismissing a number of her officials, including the Prime Minister over involvement in various skullduggery.

On Nov. 12 and 19, more than 1 million citizens participated in the protests at Gwanghwamun Square close to presidential residence demanding Geun-hye’s resignation or impeachment. After an impeachment process lasting four months, Park was removed from office on March 10 and was arrested March 30.

The Rasputin-like Choi Soon-sil has known Geun-hye since the 1970s, when Choi’s father, cult leader Choi Tae-min, offered to console and advise Geun-hye and her father the President, who were still grieving from the assassination of Geun-hye mother and then First Lady Yuk Young-soo. Choi acted as a shaman to channel communications to and mostly from Geun-hye’s dead mother. Choi Soon-sil then dictated via the dead mother decisions on everything from the President’s handbags to state affairs.

In due course, the government was infested with other occultists and birds of feather. Geun-hye’s culture minister was arrested for suspected involvement in drawing up a blacklist of artists, writers and entertainers. It also appears that Choi and her husband set up compromising brownstone operations to entrap various judiciary and government officials. Choi would hold court in her office with government officials working from a “presidential report packet” measuring around 30 cm thick on her desk. Choi had an occultist cadre of secretaries known as the “doorknocker triumvirate” that effectively ruled the country as a shadow government and engaged in influence peddling.

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