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A Primer on Battling the Plague of Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism is also called critical theory. The crux of the cultural Marxist cult is about playing the victimization card/scam or “being oppressed” by some mythological class, gender or race of people (typically white). Any criticism or judgement of the cult is taboo. This iteration is worked endlessly by Social Justice Warriors into a multitude of imagined slights. They then parlay this with the use of staged hoaxes into some benefit, leverage or power grab.

Read “In the Wake of the Series of Hate Hoaxes: Time to Reexamine the Charlottesville ‘Car Assault. Was it a Staged Deception?”

A whole generation and movement has been built up around cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxists were raised far too permissively, cut too much slack, treated as special, political correctness extremism and rarely subjected to criticism. Merit is not a factor for this crowd.

A few years back, I tried my hand at engaging with some of these Social Justice Warrior types. In doing so, I also learned that there is a derivative of this group that I have dubbed “Pervert Justice Warriors.” They tend to show up around Pedogate issues and matters related to the exploitation of children by Hollywood. These people are primarily moral relativism extremists and will attempt to go after you for “intolerance” of obscenity. They are fundamentally degenerates or are very friendly toward degenerates. They are surprisingly active online. In their Brave New Postmodern World, you can’t dislike (aka “hate”) degenerates or reprobates.

Social media, like Tumblr and Reddit, is infested with these warriors. I always let them reveal themselves and never pre-judge. But in due course, I do judge. Typically, they have serious think-stoppers present.

They speak and think in a different language and have agendas. Having a common ground for conversation is nearly impossible. They have you labelled from the get go as “right wing” or “old white man,” “racist,” “Nazi,” etc. They use “LOL” before the word “white” a lot. Therefore, it’s a waste of energy to debate the majority of them as they are not even on the same planet.

They often have “trigger words” that will get them riled. This is mostly based on an “I feel” and “I’m special” mentality or meme.

Unfortunately, because this mindset is reinforced by the controlled mainstream media and corrupted entertainment complex, they have gotten away with intimidating their so-called “oppressors” who are reluctant to stand up to them.

The best term for those who won’t stand up to them are “suppressed normies.” These “normies” need to be shamed and coaxed to fight back. That is what I’m doing here right now, because I know there are normies among my readers — and even I was once a normie to a degree. Spend time working with normies using mostly tough love.

Normie men who have regressed and are cucks are a special project and require derisive satire. Conversely, all interactions with Social Justice Warriors are to be quick hit-and-runs designed to rattle them and challenge their “I’m special” self-image.

The Method Against Social Justice Warriors

Cultural Marxist activists, or Social Justice Warriors, are a true plague on the world. Therefore, I’m suggesting a powerful and ferocious push back against them. This of course is primarily for younger folks with the time and energy to do mental battle in cultural wars.


Depending on the degree of Social Justice Warrior radicalization you are encountering, I recommend varying degrees of derision and mockery. Derision strikes right at the heart of inflated self-perception and the twisted self-worth Social Justice Warriors have. This “specialness” is the weak link in their psyches.

Here’s my recommended strategy:

No. 1: Drop all social graces with them. That may be hard, but remember Social Justice Warriors take advantage of good manners and put no value on them anyway. So flip this on its side. Our objective is to trigger them via harsh criticism and ridicule — not threats or violence, in case that’s unclear. For example, the ultimate insult or trigger to a female Social Justice Warrior third- or fourth-wave feminist is the word “cunt.” That’s a bit over the top for me, so I’m mostly going with “bitch.” Absolutely refuse to engage in sex with Social Justice Warriors or Pervert Justice Warriors.

For non-cucked men, never ever trash talk femininity, but rather defend heterosexual women passionately. Winter Watch addressed this in our old Milo Yiannopoulos article. (((Milo))) was a problem because he as a homosexual trashed women generally. Keeping such women out of harm’s way is the mark of manhood. Also, do not use racial slurs. This is about individual behaviors and culture wars only. The term “dindu” is only descriptive of behavior and thus appropriate.

No. 2: Show no sensitivity toward Social Justice Warriors. Insult them matter of factly. If they (of either sex) show marginal or metro-sexual gender identification, insult their appearance (“there is a new thing going around, it’s called soap”). If they are over-the-top Social Justice Warrior homosexuals or transgenders, never use the contrived newspeak term “gay” or LGBT. In fact, avoid their shadow language. Let them know that you are armor proof to their accusations.

Read “Plastic Words: The Language of Tyranny”

No. 3: Answering the “check your white male privilege” quip would be some attitude variation on this and could be rather militant and most certainly unapologetic. Get fit, and become more of a principled warrior. If you have high intelligence, teach “the attitude.”

If you are a male being challenged for privilege, the real world versus clown world data is stark. The chart below shows the St. Louis Fed’s latest report on labor participation among U.S.-born men (aka “natives”). Our enemy aims to drive this even lower. We aren’t in 1960 anymore, Toto.

We have shown real world versus clown world murder rates by race a number of times on these pages.

No.4: Knock the Social Justice Warriors unearned trophies and “specialness” badges off the shelf by telling them they have little of value or intelligence to offer anyone.

No. 5: Demonstrate thumbs up, support and accolades to the anti-Social Justice Warrior movement. Older generations need to wake up and get engaged. So do decent folks in the black community. Offer carrots and sticks and encouragement to repressed normies. Godspeed.

Defining the Concepts of Phobia, Dislike, Hate and Crime

Relish it if they call you one of their nonsensical “phobic” or “hater” code words, because frankly you hold their views in total disdain.

Dislike or disdain is not the same as phobia or hate. Hate is defined in the dictionary as extreme dislike or antipathy. However, dislike in the extreme is not even remotely a crime, it is more of a personal judgement.

“Hate crime” is more absurd Social Justice Warrior newspeak. For example, are we not supposed to dislike these people, even in the extreme? Only a Social Justice Warrior or highly intimidated and repressed normie and/or a cuck wouldn’t have extreme dislike (hatred) of this. Normal functioning homosexuals may dislike these degenerates as well.

There is a huge difference between hate and crime. They are not even close to the same. Real crimes against body, health and property have been well established for eons and need no further redefinition today. Only a knucklehead gets involved in real crime. Even if a criminal’s act was based on hate or extreme dislike, it shouldn’t change the equation one iota. He’s a criminal, period, and his act of violence is what counts.

“They never will love where they ought to love, who do not hate where they ought to hate.” – Edmund Burke

“We do urge hate: If you love something, that love requires you to hate anything that threatens its survival.” – Matthew Hale

“Achilles glared at him and answered, ‘Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore, there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall.” ― Homer, The Iliad

“Feeding milk and bananas to a serpent only makes its venom more potent.” — Chanakya Pandita, Raja niti sastra, expeller of Alexander the Great

“A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; a time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.” — Ecclesiastes 7

Phobia is defined as a type of anxiety disorder, or a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding to the point of being irrational. Would avoiding contact with, criticizing or opposing the agenda of the hideous Social Justice Warrior bitches and cucks be an irrational phobia? Of course not.

The Reddit cesspool comes out with expedient new “hate speech” rules that are right out of “Animal Farm’s” theme that some pigs are more equal than others. “Majority” groups (aka whites) are set aside for unlimited abuse.

30 Comments on A Primer on Battling the Plague of Cultural Marxism

  1. The worst part is that these SJW are teaching their children a victim mentality that is crippling in adult life. I think that there may be some who are open minded enough which would rather choose self empowerment than control and “victimhood”, but for the most part they are impossible to talk to. Milo’s cheap value to the alt-right movement is to be able to penetrate SJW because he’s gay and Jewish, so he’s just a token or a one-trick pony to be able to say what they want with that shield of him being gay. He’s pure shock value and gay card, no real value or interesting commentary.

  2. At least there were slightly more downvotes at her You Tube channel- a small good sign. 24 million views however, that’s a lot of degenerates.
    Miley Cyrus

    • Indeed an odd & un-settling video … Adding to the oddness – but fitting the modern trend for gender confusion – is the mannish voice which Miley Cyrus has in ‘BB Talk’ whilst singing dressed up as a child … the male-type voice seems different from the more female voice she has in earlier popular songs, I wondered if someone else dubbed in for her, or if Miley’s young-&-rich-but-hard life has taken a toll on her

  3. Something I try to keep in mind when engaging a SJW……………………try to always keep in mind that your comment is not necessarily for them. Most likely we will never win over a hardened SJW. But it is those who ‘read’ the comments that we might influence. Try not to make it personal. Write in such a way as to plant a seed for the ‘fence sitter’ reading the comments. Peace.

  4. Tho the SJW trend, following on what was created a century ago by the Marxists of the World War I era, is a bunch of cuck-o-sphere garbage … its popularity merits us looking at what drives it … and maybe we can see why it doesn’t stop

    Humans are hard-wired to seek ‘power’ in human relationships, which ‘feels’ as if connected with prosperity & survival … people who feel ‘powerless’ in a normal way in life, are driven along the path of least resistance to seek any power technique that seems to ‘work’ … in other words, if they can’t sublimate the ‘power desire’ thru productivity & achievement & relationships, they are tempted to locate a class of ‘victims’ over whom they can feel superior

    The poor Muslim may be too afraid to fight his corrupt dictator … but can indulge himself against some ‘unbeliever’ etc … Western students with few job prospects don’t see a path to fight their own oligarchy (except for, e.g., USA kids in a few brief months with faux-leftist Bernie Sanders) … but they do see a media-approved path to badger & berate some specific ‘others’ who spoke the trigger etc words … this stupid power-game is the only one they feel they have, so they play it as if obsessed, it is almost a biological matter, they are ‘driven’

    So the game won’t stop unless these people find another substitute game to ‘feel power’ … and that’s not easy to provide … some of them (literally) convert to Islam & seek jihad

    • Another issue behind the SJW craze, is the small kernel of truth buried inside all the insane SJW abuse of others … that truth being, as Nietzsche said, that there is nothing good in history without blood sticking to it … the SJWs instinctively feel, with some correctness, they are living amongst thieves, & hence they feel justified in being devious to try to get some advantage in a ‘rigged game’, as Donald Trump has told us

      ‘European culture’ was built on theft … For more than two milennia we have been pirates & bandits … Greece & Rome stole & slaughtered … and then, in modern times, the foundation of the ‘Renaissance’ was when Vatican-backed crusaders sacked Constantinople in 1204 & stole all the Eastern gold there … shortly afterwards Florence had new art & literature along with the first gold coins in Europe in hundreds of years … Russians remain very aware of this theft today

      Colonialism in the New World & Asia, gave Europe enough riches that it could slowly recover an ‘Enlightenment’, picking up threads from an earlier Enlightenment, in the at times hugely gentle (no death penalty even) & sexually sophisticated (Kama Sutra etc) cultures of ancient India & Persia … this culture had partly transmitted in the West via Pythagoras & then the Stoics / classics, lurking underneath all the Abrahamic religious barbarism, & also partly via sub-themes in a largely oppressive Christianity, which is a sort of 30% Buddhist, 70% Jewish hybrid, & couldn’t totally suppress the Indian side

      In the West, we are in some ways, still spending the riches that our ancestors stole & which are governments are still, in some ways, stealing via economic exploitation arrangements … it is not easy to think about correcting all of this … and it is clearly not the answer just to hand ‘reparations’ to a bunch of SJW yahoos who will just be more oppressive with more resources … nonetheless, there are not only centuries of blood & injustice, but current practices of ongoing exploitation, that need correction & re-balance … how we get there & fix the world is not easy to say … one idea was ‘communism’ & well we saw how that worked out

      But I quite understand why that brave USA Washington State presidential elector this week, cast a vote for Faith Spotted Eagle, the 1st native American ever to get such a vote … it was a symbol & hint of a direction which is good to consider

      • I definitely like your comments here, and before I go into a defense of artistic expression as manifested during the Renaissance, I want to link to an article that has stuck with me which may help to illustrate this comment you made here:

        “…this culture had partly transmitted in the West via Pythagoras & then the Stoics / classics, lurking underneath all the Abrahamic religious barbarism”

        In this short article is offered an interpretation of a crop circle of a cube Pythagoras held in high regard, and, in addition to the Book of Revelation reference, note his comment on the book of Daniel’s connection to the school of Apollo:

      • I am not sure if you meant to suggest this as a misinterpreted SJW angle being leveraged to distort their views or otherwise:

        “… and then, in modern times, the foundation of the ‘Renaissance’ was when Vatican-backed crusaders sacked Constantinople in 1204 & stole all the Eastern gold there … shortly afterwards Florence had new art & literature along with the first gold coins in Europe in hundreds of years … Russians remain very aware of this theft today”

        Or, if it’s about looted funds being used to finance investment in the arts, ok, maybe, but you can pay an artist billions of dollars. It still doesn’t guarantee a masterpiece will result.

        But if you wish to paint a picture of the Renaissance as being “the greatest collection of looted art on display in one location” as being the Renaissance in Florence then I disagree. Because this was new artistic creation that was a result of an expanded symbolic language that had been opened up to them in part because of what I was mentioning under this Winter Watch article on Cosimo di Medici:

        I spoke of a Joseph Campbell lecture where he identifies a request by Cosimo De Medici for scholars to produce a translation of the Corpus Hermeticum as the seminal event that sparked the entire Renaissance art and architecture expression that ensued. This was new art being created, financed by stolen funds or not.

        What we are witnessing right here, right now, is Sparta crushing Athens under its boot heel, and it was Athens’ symbolic language that Renaissance artists revitalized in new visions of the beatific radiance expressed in the classics of art and architecture.

      • Brabantian, you make good comments and believe it or not as a Christian I actually think your criticism of Christianity is valid since it has been so damned corrupted nearly from the beginning as to its hierarchies (Roman Catholicism more than Orthodox,however, but even in the Protestant world) but I do hope you don’t blame Jesus Christ for this corruption! For me it is Christ, not religion (the hand, not the glove).

    • This is true, an excellent point, and only anecdotally, I have seen people start to leave SJW status as a result of more personal empowerment. I myself (although always a normal, feminine woman, not much of a feminist, and always too busy & productive to bother with being a SJW) have been much less sympathetic ever since I gave up even more the victim mentality, the trace that I had, as I’ve gotten older and smarter. But it’s not always the case, as some are so stubborn that anything that may threaten their status as a victim, they will attack and lash out. It makes sense that the reason for that would be is that it is their sliver of power they’d be giving up.

    • I think the problem with SJW is not so much the power fight, but the socially engineered brainwashing that these are highly important topics to be engaged with (and sources of “threat”) and then the slow acceptance of this as the “new normal”.
      Now what do our social engineers aim with this? Obviously limiting the scope of debates (censorship), but also promoting degeneracy, softening and pacifying the sheeple, opening a new divide and conquer / distraction fault line. All on the way towards a “1984” type of controlling a zombiefied, cattle-like population of slaves.

  5. That is an important part of seeing through the “establishment critic” PCR – he is a big seller of the still fake East-West dialectic.

  6. I understand the SJW trend, but I will maintain that AFrican America is exploited. The inner cities have been tailored to provide hubs for drug sales and distribution, the kids are are drafted into the industry by hook or crook and the residents are terrorized into cooperation. You can say all you want about charter schools and poor teachers but they’re deliberately ghettoed to ensure the survival of the system. The ptb has no intention of improving their lot no matter what they say.

    • You’re quite right that black USA is super-manipulated, not only by the gov-&-CIA tied narcotic sales, but by the corporate music industry, which has been exposed for some years as intentionally selling the gangsta-crime-&-drug-selling culture to blacks, in order to destroy them, the music executives of course being the usual cabal … I think Russ Winter may have covered this at an earlier point

      There is a tradition of black self-empowerment & dignity which the dominant US culture has tried to suppress … One interesting guy was US dissident Robert F Williams (1925-96), who authored a 1962 book, ‘Negroes With Guns’ … he was forced to escape the USA for a time, and met with figures such as Chairman Mao in China … but in a less fascist USA of the past, Williams was allowed to return to the USA eventually without being hounded and imprisoned for life or killed by the authorities, as would happen to him today

      • An early champion of Black self-empowerment was Marcus Garvey. When be began to challenge the Jewish owned and operated NAACP for leadership of America’s Black community he was first imprisoned and then deported.
        Blacks should never forget that both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were murdered on the orders of crypto-Jewish president Lyndon Johnson, and that the Jewish controlled media has concealed the truth about these murders for more than half a century.

        • As to Marcus Garvey, he coined one of my fave sayings or all time, first heard out of the mouth of Bob Marley in the reggae song “Redemption Song”–
          “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds…”

  7. Great comments in this thread. It’s all about people wanting to have and wield power. SJWs have carved out a place in the sun in the face of bewildering oligarchic power systems. They’re not going to give it up easily.

    Hopefully, a new kind of self-powerment arises in a new decentralized economic regime that doesn’t marginalize people so much. Then we can just get down to business and trade with one another and stop all the bitching about being victims.

    We can only dream at this point in time.

  8. For example, the ultimate insult or trigger to a female Social Justice Warrior third- or fourth-wave feminist is the word “cunt.”

    Calling a woman cunt can get one prosecuted for defamation in many countries. SJW’s are protected by the shyster legal arm of globo-homo. They get bailed out of jail immediately, and if they are hit back at in any way these same shysters will use the “legal” system to attack us. It is lawfare, and the legal battle of Stalingrad was lost, well, at Stalingrad. The new covid laws like mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passes violate numerous “sacred” Nuremburg principles. The law has been subverted against us, we are in the middle of the Shoah of Justice.

    (change in handle from Heros to Hoot).

  9. Russ, nice primer on reversing the Saul Alinsky effect that has overtaken western society. I frequently reflect that there really is a Hell and that souls go there. GHW Bush for example, burns there and I take real satisfaction that justice is ultimately done and pray that through folly or cowardice I may avoid it.

  10. I like symbolism, and I love cars, so I try to combine both of them into an anti-SJW statement. I drive a Mustang GT with a Confederate battle flag bumper sticker. Although it is black, it is in the Bullit style, so I can pretend I am Steve McQueen while driving around with my grandsons in it.

    Really I would like to have a Swastika on my bumper too, especially since a former friend of mine called me a Nazi when he saw the Confederate battle flag. However, I am to much of a coward when it comes to arrests and police records. It is not that I am a Nazi or a Confederate, but I do root for the underdog, and in hind sight both of these losing sides were in actuality the good guys. Plus both of them managed to give ZOG a big black eye.

    Currently I am restoring a VW Kübelwagen. It too is a fantastic symbol of resistance to the yid. I have a STG 57 which looks a lot like a MG 34, and I want to make a rear seat mount for it. I know my grandsons will love it, and it will send just the right message to them and everyone else.

    • I always wanted a Kubelwagen since the moment I first saw one… Good for you.. Regarding displaying swastikas, or at this point confederate flag stickers on your car- it’s really not worth the risk of your property being damaged, and that’s my opinion. If you live around responsible folks in a town where everyone knows each other, I guess it’d be fine to do, but in a bigger city it might be dangerous. I reckon driving a restored Kubelwagen would have the same effect, although subconsciously, on these alinsky types. The US 45th infantry division used a swastika as their insignia from 1924-1939. Per Wikipedia: “The division’s original shoulder sleeve insignia, approved in August 1924,[12] featured a swastika, a common Native American symbol, as a tribute to the Southwestern United States region which had a large population of Native Americans. However, with the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany, with its infamous swastika symbol, the 45th Division stopped using the insignia.[13] After a long process of reviewing design submissions, a design by Woody Big Bow, a Kiowa artist from Carnegie, Oklahoma, was chosen for the new shoulder sleeve insignia.[14] The new insignia featured the Thunderbird, another Native American symbol, and was approved in 1939.[1]” American children also used to do the Bellamy salute when reciting the pledge of allegiance. The fact is that these symbols are parts of US history and were accepted as such without issue until the outrage cultists made significant inroads into the government.

      • Actually it is a 1973 type 181, not a true Kübel. And the rust was much worse than I thought and it is taking far longer than planned. I do want to paint it wehrmacht blue though, and I do want a mg34 mount.

        Since I live in Switzerland the risk of anyone getting aggressive about the confederate battle flag is actually quite low. A swastika would likely result in legal action and even a police record.

        The Swastika has been used by aryans for thousands of years, and is quite common as a buddist symbol in nepal and tibet. It is a type of perverted inverse cultural appropriation that has made it illegal for Germans to be able to display the swastika, an acient cultural symbol.

        The appalling state of affairs is made even more clear by Bubba Wallace who apparently freely and openly can display a BLM bumper sticker on his car without consequence, but when it turns out that a loop was on his garage door pull, well, the entire planet is supposed to come to a standstill.

        What I want is some kind of anti-faggot symbol to counter the rainbow flag. The closest thing I can think of is a crescent moon, but I really don’t want to be associated with that.

  11. Great ideas here. But one method as an author I use is exposing this nonsense in my fiction. As with samizdat, writing fiction (novels or stories) can help SJWs and others to see perhaps a new viewpoint without having it forced down their throats. These are the SJW types I’ve encountered or are aware of–one, affluenza kids, aka pampered entitled “rich” kids who have never had to do chores and the like; two, kids from hard core extremely strict Christian-type households that “force” belief in Christ on the kids to the point that when “free” of household, they are no longer forced to this belief. I did Christian-home-school my kids but never force the belief on them…thus they are still believers to one extent or another.

    But the same holds true for strict atheist households…one of my novel characters defied that and thus was searching for the truth of it all along, esp. regarding “the theory of evolution.” (Note: creationism is NOT science, but neither is evolution–if you have seen an ape turn into a man, let me know. IMHO Darwin and them created the theory of evolution because they hated God and had come up with a construct to explain how creatures came to be, so they invented this theory using finches and turtles…did Darwin see these turtles and finches evolve day by day or year by year?)

    Note: the Theory of Creation is also flawed. Ken Hovind can’t prove this theory either….

  12. The Trumpenstein Trojan horse is busy at working crashing the whole system. Where did Trump spend his first two years of college….at Jesuit brainwashing Fordham university. Now why would a good jooish boy go to a Jesuit college……to learn the tricks of the trade, to learn how to fool most of the people all the time. Fordham and Georgetown produce a whos who of Orwellian mind controllers. Just look at the notable alumni of both.

  13. “..Any criticism or judgement of the [cultural marxist or critical theory] cult is taboo…”

    The above sentence is one of the most important points in this article, as it alludes to one of the gross logical contradictions of the cult, thereby destroying its validity. More specifically, note how the cult teaches the never-ending critique of EVERYTHING, except of course its own theory. How convenient. And what’s more, if the truth was really only to emerge out of a so-called creative chaos or scorched earth – like some of the critical theorists believe – thereby placing the truth somewhere ‘out there’ in THE FUTURE, then how would they know that what they believe RIGHT NOW is even just true enough or correct?

    • “..Any criticism or judgement of the [cultural marxist or critical theory] cult is taboo”

      The proprietors don’t seem to grok the irony of them blocking my IP at their server because of me asking critical questions.

  14. The evil syndicate that devised this strategy of course knows that the tenets of Cultural Marxism are nonsense, but they have weaponized the language to a point where people feel like they are caught in a spider’s web. “Hate” is an emotion and your emotions are no one else’s business. And of course disagreeing with some SJW isn’t necessarily bc you hate them. Soros and his ilk run NGOs that train teenagers and young adults in subversive methods. They have built a literal army of losers and degenerates with no talent for anything. I recognize that I don’t have the stubbornness they have and so my strategy is to avoid them, not engage them. I also realize that on Twitter, most of it is fake, pre-written back and forth scripts, or bot-farm bully responses, so I try to just avoid Twitter altogether. I think there is really no point in engaging them. We need some brilliant person to develop some game-changing way of thinking or communicating to break this octopus hold, like a brilliant general of old, this person will figure out a way to conquer Cultural Marxism. It is the most devastating weapon ever built.

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