While selling 5G technology to the public as a means for faster downloads, Big Wireless — comprising a web of telecom companies, lobbyists and law firms– is spending millions to lobby governments the world over to implement the next generation of cellular technology because of its potential for data collection and surveillance of citizens.
By Derrick Broze | 11 May 2020
MINT PRESS NEWS — While the debate continues around 5G’s potential impact on human health, the environment and wildlife, often overlooked in the discussion about 5G is how the technology will be used for data collection and surveillance. Big Wireless has spent over three decades lobbying state powers to build this technology while selling it to the public as a means for faster downloads.
In that time the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association – an organization whose leadership has maintained a revolving door relationship with the U.S. Federal Communication Commission – has collaborated on or guided regulatory policy related to not only 5G, but the roll out of cell phones and other digital technology. The CTIA annually lobbies for the industry to the tune of millions of dollars, making them one of the most powerful telecom lobby groups.
The COVID19 pandemic has caused governments around the world to lockdown their nations, cancel public school sessions, and cost millions of people their jobs. Fears of spreading the virus and overloading the healthcare system are triggering an authoritarian response from many of these governments — including the United States. For many Americans, these aggressive measures have halted typical daily activities. Taking a trip to the gym, work, school, or out with friends – are no longer an option.
However, while most non-essential activities have stopped, the controversial expansion of the 5th generation of cellular infrastructure has continued. With the support and lobbying of the CTIA, Big Wireless’ 5G agenda is quickly expanding. Records from ProPublica show the CTIA lobbied for 2 recents bills related to 5G infrastructure. […]
That’s the idea, folks…turn us into “human” robots connecting with fellow “human” robots only using AI or Big Tech….no more hugs for support, no more face to face contact, no more children growing up with actual human friends, just Facebook “friends.” No more seeing faces and being able to read body communication which is more accurate at determining whether someone is telling the truth or lying. And no more growing gardens for food or raising chickens, etc. even in rural areas….and no more wildlife, either. Heck the “stupid” meter they put right next to a tree of ours has killed off the growth of the branch that hangs next to it! (Thank God that “smart” meter isn’t attached to the house!)
Meanwhile, Gates and his psycho fellers move into their super-rich underground bunkers…oh, I guess they’re not paying much attention to earthquake activity…there’s a passage in the Book of Revelation about mountains and rocks falling on “the fallen.”