Disney’s ‘Return to Oz’ as a Misanthropist Mind Control Mechanism

Disney's 'Return to Oz'

A movie critic in 1985 described Disney’s “Return to Oz” — a sequel to “The Wizard of Oz” — as “bleak, creepy and sometimes terrifying.“ Why it was marketed to children? The movie, in fact, is about trauma-based mind control (MK). Those behind it must have taken sadistic in plain sight pleasure in terrifying young viewers around the world.

These observations were gleaned from an 2014 article at Vigilant Citizen.

Young Dorothy is taken to a grimy mental hospital to clear her head from all of the “Oz nonsense.” She’s then strapped down on a bed to be electroshocked — and that’s just the beginning. But before Dorothy leaves for the ward, she finds a key with the symbol for Oz. It represents the key to her core personality. At the clinic, we see the Dr. Worley holding the key. This represents him taking over her mind and becoming her MK handler. Dr. Worley tells Dorothy “I know exactly what will cheer you up!” and presents to her his electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) machine.

While looking at the machine, Dorothy sees the reflection of another girl. The electroshock machine is the gateway to her alter persona – “Ozma.”

As Dorothy walks down the dark, scary hallways of the institution, we hear “patients” screaming and crying. Later, after being dissociated from shock and torture, Dorothy asks her alter Omza about these people. Ozma explains they are “patients who have been damaged and locked in a cellar.”

Once Dorothy goes to the land of dissociation, or Oz, she encounters the same creepy people from the MK hospital. The head nurse is Mombi, a twisted, sadistic motherly figure. The male nurse is a secondary programmer who is charged with torturing and traumatizing the victim. In mind control terms, Dr. Worley is the chief MK slave handler in this swell movie. Dorothy is tricked into thinking her “best friend” in Oz is the ECT machine.

In the land of Oz, Dorothy is faced with lots of survelliance. The rocks, walls and everything else have eyes. A sense of survelliance is a key aspect of mass MK. Also see “Disney Runs ‘Shutterbug’ Surveillance Psyops on Little Kids.

Naturally, Dorothy encounters the yellow-brick road. Fritz Springmeier in “The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave” describes it’s significance.

“Monarch slaves are taught to “follow the yellow brick road.” No matter what fearful things lie ahead, the Monarch slave must follow the Yellow Brick Road which is set out before them by their master. For some slaves used as track stars, their Yellow Brick Road was the track they had to run. The Yellow Brick Road is the runway in which alters were trained to fly off from to exit their internal world and take the body. The Yellow Brick Road also pertains to the assignment that an alter is given. To follow the Yellow Brick Road is to go down the road that has been assigned by command. The Yellow Brick Road programming is placed into the child’s mind via the Yellow Brick Road of the Wizard of Oz story. Remember the key words, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road.”

Ultimately, Dorothy ends up in Mombi’s castle of mirrors. Springmeier offers this:

“Mirrors, and lots of them, are important in occult programming because they make images. They create so many internal images one doesn’t know which way to go. In programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave’s mind, countless mirror images are made. The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere in their mind.”

Finally Dorothy meets her main handler, Dr. Worley, the Nome King. He plays all sorts of psychological games on the girl, including a good dose of terror. The folks at Winter Watch are not interested in covering all of the Luciferian mind control and insanity evident in this movie, but this is the Nome King scene in question.

Return to Oz (1985) – Nome King death, original Jack Pumpkinhead stop-motion puppet

Before returning to Kansas, Dorothy and Ozma meet at a mirror, and the latter becomes “real.” Dorothy’s programming is complete and Ozma, her programmed alter persona, is fully present in her mind. Ozma tells Dorothy :

“I will look in on you from time to time, and if you wish to return to Oz, I will make it so.”

Back in Kansas, Dorothy understands that her programming is still present in her mind.

Winter Watch Verdict: The esoteric links are endless and beyond the scope of this article. The short-and-sweet verdict: bad news and menacing textbook case of mass MK that feeds off of emotions.

I watched this film for research purposes but, to be frank, I have been weaned off of Hollywood and TV for nearly nine years. Therefore, I am more sensitive to it. And I am certain there is even worse material out there. But this for children? It’s pure abuse.

“Return to Oz” was written, produced and directed by Disney’s lip-licking lizards. Crime Syndicate degenerates hate normal people. They don’t like people feeling better than them, so the abuse starts young. It’s called “misanthropy,” which is a general dislike, distrust or hatred of most of the human species.

5 Comments on Disney’s ‘Return to Oz’ as a Misanthropist Mind Control Mechanism

  1. “been weaned off of Hollywood and TV for nearly six years. Therefore, I am more sensitive to it.”

    There you go! – Turn.it.off – it is absolutely remarkable how “sensitive” one becomes to video, even images, if you limit in extreme ways your exposure to nearly all video content. (Ah, but what’s there to talk about?!)

    I recall in April 2013 seeing a single still image on Drudge (or Fox news) – aftermath of the Boston “bombing” – deserted street; victims, police, medical personnel gone – but all the debris remaining – including areas and bandaging stained with bright – red – (stage) blood.

    It was a watershed moment for me: “huh?! – that’s not blood?! – it can’t be ” … and right that very hour I started working my way back… to Sept 11… to Omaha… and so on…

    Cartoon world depends on a certain way – a defective way – of seeing and responding. How often did you hear on Sept 11, 12, 13, etc 2001 – “it was like a movie!” … see?

  2. There is a Jiminy Hendrix song called “room full of mirrors”
    Read this comment about the songs meaning, kinda interesting…
    “There is a spoken version of this song on one of my many bootleg Hendrix tapes. The spoken version sounds very strange. He sounds like he is on acid or some other hallucinogenic drug. He says things like “somebody help me, somebody please help me” and “tell this idiot to get the hell out of me and get me the hell out of this god damned mirror room”. This tape is very emotional and it seems like Hendrix is crying out for someone to help him. At one point he says “I turn to the world but what do they have to offer me but pats on the back”. I recommend you get this tape and listen to it because it is very interesting.”

    • And just when I thought I owned every bootleg Hendrix ever recorded..? Of course I’m familiar w/ RFOM but wasn’t even aware this spoken recording ever existed.

      Where JH is concerned I suppose you could say I’m on (2) distinctly different paths. Having picked up guitar within a year of his “passing” I’d mastered most of his playing style but have since broadened considerably. OTOH his life and revelations about it are as present in my mind as ever!

  3. “The esoteric links are endless and beyond the scope of this article.” For sure.

    The evolution of a mythos is found in the telling and retelling of a story that is intentionally not meant to be taken literally and only exists by demand of some basic human need. From the time, for whatever reason the story becomes historicized and evemeristically conjoined with allegations of some once real characters, the myth becomes frozen and valueless. And then there are the retellings that are meant to derail the popular meaning and guide them to a misanthropy not intended by the original storylines. More importantly are the retellings meant to correct versions that stray from truth in the mythological sense. Return to Oz is certainly not one of them, for it’s a cynical hijack of the love for the original story. The same is true for the misapplication of the original version in service of any trauma based mind control.

    Though The Wizard of Oz has the feel of a myth, it is to some only a parody of the userist economic establishment. Much of it’s popularity stems from it’s obvious symbolic nature which does not necessitate identification of what is being symbolized. In one case, only when the symbols are filled in can the story be truly appreciated as expose. Now the TIN in Tinman means Tax Identification Number.

    “Let us not forget those pesky flying monkeys. What perfect mythical creatures to represent the Bar Association Attorneys who attack and control the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the powerful and grand Bankers of Oz: GOLD!” (not attributed)

    The original Theosophy inspired version may be the very definition of adaptability as one set of interpretations morphs into another. Scarecrow is in one sense the symbol of the Strawman legal fiction that represents us if we let it, and follows us around if we hang with the Cowardly Lion. Or be made to fit the character of anyone born with a brain that is seldom used.

    • In short, as my brother once said of the endless Hollywood sequels, prequels, knock-off’s and ripoff’s;

      “Please stop raping my memories”.

      Still, big budget extravaganzas like these don’t just ‘happen’. They are years… in the making. Development phase, story boarding, script writing, casting, funding, pre-production and countless meetings.

      Since RTO was spawned in the 80’s, safe to say the entire project was awash with coke-heads. As were all things Hollywood in that era. Proving only; This is Satan, this is Satan on DRUGS..!

      Insofar as adjudicating your attentions away from TV, I can honestly say I have never seen a single second of a Game of Thrones episode, only fleeting glimpses of ANY Star Wars productions and single skits on “Friends” passing thru the living room in the 90’s. Life is short. It’s all pulp at best and severely harmful at worst.

      Many only tune in so they won’t be left out of the lunchroom conversation the following day. Even if they see little value in the show. It’s a peer thing.

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