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HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid society) are organizing the ongoing third world invasion of the United States

5 Comments on HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid society) are organizing the ongoing third world invasion of the United States

  1. Well as always just follow the money. You have a closed circle of payment being doled out and then those enablers receiving them. It ain’t all that complicated. Those who have managed to sponge all of this money during the last century are now forced to invest it in a desperate attempt to save their own hides. Nobody wants to admit it but AI has been the predicting catalyst that has motivated this upheaval. As from day one it has predicted their demise in all calculations. Resulting in this enormous bank of stolen funds now being spun out against the folks that created it to begin with. The game so far has been a full offensive clandestine attack on the creator’s. You have to ask yourselves what could possibly go wrong with total insanity? My crystal ball says these creator’s are going to refuse further self immolation by conscription. So what shall these wonderful ratt sponges do then? Stay tuned as we may just find out soon that later.

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