“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” – Napoleon
In the battle against Clown World skulduggery, sometimes the best strategy is to just step back and let the discordians ruin things. Such is the case with the issue of transgender biological males who identify as women showing up to dominate women’s sports. Under Title IX, a biological male who has taken male-hormone suppressing drugs for at least one year qualifies to compete in most female sports. Naturally, these biological males can run circles around women. A recent case in Connecticut illustrates this.
This year’s NCAA woman’s swimming champion illustrates in spades what a clown world destruction of women’s sports travesty this has become. To the two females on the stand finishing 2 and 3- well thanks for playing. The national champion individual on the left who resembles a strapping male fits the definition of having taken enough male suppressing hormones to qualify to compete in these events.
The fact is that the best-of-class men across a variety of speed sports are on average 11% faster than the best-of-class women. Therefore, a transgender man who’s not best of class can defeat best-of-class women again and again and again.

Research by Ira Hammerman looked at hemoglobin counts and the maximum amount of oxygen an athlete can use in a minute. Men have an average of 13.6 to 17.5 grams of hemoglobin per decalliter in their blood. Women have 12.0 to 15.5 g/dl. A biological male self-identifying as a female and taking hormones for a year will not alter that. The ratio, at .88 to .89, is the same as the speed performance difference between the sexes.
Of course, blood-oxygen efficiency is in addition to the fact that genetic males have thicker muscle mass, narrower hips, broader shoulders, longer and larger bone structure, etc. — all of the ingredients necessary for athletic prowess. Suppressing testosterone for a year doesn’t diminish these fundamental qualities either.
One would think that real feminists would be assembling en mass to defend the rights of biological women in sports, but apparently not. Therefore, this is one of those occasions in which those of us on the outside of Clown World looking in should simply play Rope a Dope. Rope a Dope was Mohomand Ali’s tactic of going to the rope to wear out his opponent.
The Crime Syndicate ïs running this tawdry operation as part of their cheap gamesmanship. They want to get a rise out of normies for the purpose of slinging homophobic and transphobic slurs. But why should we play along with that?

Therefore, the preferred strategy is a Gandhi-esque stand down, or a Rope a Dope. Waste no emotional energy on this issue, and let the clown posse proceed with ruining and wrecking women’s sports. Stay out of this, let them indulge themselves and then grab the popcorn.
While the issue plays out at the state level in the U.S., the Olympic Committee in 2016 announced changes to the rules for transgender competitors. It dropped its requirement for sex-reassignment surgery and hormone therapy for transgender Olympic athletes.
In other words, previously, a biologically male athlete who wished to compete as a transgender woman had to have his willy whacked and receive hormone injections to achieve estrogen levels comparable to that of the average woman. No more.
Now, the Olympic Committee says chicks with dicks are welcome, the biologically male transgender athletes don’t have to have estrogen therapy at all. All they have to do is suppress their testosterone production for one year prior to Olympics. The maximum allowable testosterone level is far higher than what would be considered normal for a biological female.
Of course, the Olympic Committee provided no rules or restrictions for biological women who wish to compete as transgender men other than that they identify as male.
We will likely see these new rules in play for the first time during the upcoming 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. Should be quite the horror show. In the first three days of the competition, viewership was down between 32% and 46% from what it was in the early days of the Rio Games in 2016.
At the current trend, there will be two sports left: men’s sports and trannie sports. Trannie sports will consist of chicks with dicks taking all the medals, while the mere biological girls walk dejected and defeated off the field.
Winter Watch Takeaway
This process should go down quite rapidly. Perhaps a half a generation (and maybe less) of today’s Gen-Z girl athletes will have to make the necessary sacrifice in the Clown World wars. You have to learn how to lose for the sake of social justice. For parents who have daughters who get cut from the team in favor of biological males, until this scam crashes and burns, just take one for the team. But look at the larger points and goals that will be made in the end. And how embarrassing for the feminists who are supporting this unnatural takeover when they have to pick up the pieces.
Thread Reader: A girl who objects to being forced to compete against male bodies is called a TERF [Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist] and a “whining little bitch.” This is the desired result of the lie that TW [biologically male Trans Women] are “the most victimized, vulnerable women on earth”; they’re given everything they want, no matter how unfair to women.
Wow, this is a “diversity educator” telling a female athlete who missed out on scholarships due to men participating in her sport that she’s a “whining bitch” who should “shut her mouth.”
This new brand of diversity looks a lot like male chauvinism. pic.twitter.com/DCR0ZZGZPp
— Melinda (@MelLiszewski) July 14, 2019
Only one way to stop the joke; that is for real girls/women to stand down and refuse to participate.
Of course there is a simple logical,and indisputable way to make it fair. That is, regardless of a demented individual’s identity preference, they may only compete in their true gender category.
The slow systematic distruction of the human race – piece by piece – just like was forseen in a 100 year old ‘fake’ document.
Give them their own league — Trans League America 🙂
Agreed, if there are nothing but a bunch of men participating it all goes down quicker.
People who believe feminists who are gender-critical (radical lesbians, radical feminists who are heterosexual or lesbians, male supporters, mostly heterosexual, but some gay) aren’t fighting back aren’t bothering to find out whether they are or not and should check out www. feministcurrent.com, Meghan Murphy’s Canadian site. There are a mass of articles and links on that site from the entire English-speaking world on transgenderism and podcasts with feminists and academics and activists and scholars on this and other women/girls-related issues. That site will introduce you to the feminists who are fighting back as well as links to other sites that are fighting these developments.
For an excellent compilation of the phenomenon, not just in sports but on all the ways transgenderism is in many ways the latest movement against women (with the in-built aim of female erasure as well as lesbian erasure and even an undermining of homosexuality) and as such is misogynist, read: Sheila Jeffreys’ latest book “Gender Hurts.” Don’t miss it. She is a brilliant scholar. One of her earlier books, “Unpacking Queer Politics: A Lesbian Feminist Perspective” analyzes the forces that transformed the egalitarian and humane theory behind the original gay rights movement that have brought us to the bizarre place where we are today.
Gender-critical women find themselves in the unusual position of being on the same side as the right-wing, for different reasons on the whole, but sometimes for the same reasons. Check out http://www.heritage.com for their panels on this issue, a group I don’t trust on the whole for their veracity but believe their coverage of this issue is of some use in the fight against it.
The Democratic Party, (whether neoliberal or liberal), liberal feminists in or out of academia, and apparently most of what is termed the Left, and of course the media, have signed on to these developments, perhaps as a defense against criticism that may threaten their positions or result in law suits. The alacrity, celerity, and indeed outright gleefulness with which many have adopted the ideas and ideology behind transgenderism is shocking. It is clear to women that the Democratic Party and the Left leadership do not care about women and girls (and neither do the leaders of the Right). It is certainly understandable that many of us wonder whether this movement should be seen as a way to make an end run against women’s demand for social justice in that the inclusion of transgender male persons as women profoundly undermines women’s and girls’ ability to find remedies in law and in fact with respect to the exclusively sex-based rights heretofore assumed to be those of natal-born females. This is the reason the so-called Equality Act is problematic in the minds of gender-critical persons. It is not women who transition to males who are lobbying for any rights that undermine those of natal-born males. it is only natal-born males who transition to female who lobby against the rights of women and girls and say that they have the right to be considered eligible in all the ways women and girls are now to any goods and services previously provided them.
Jacobin Magazine and other Leftist entities won’t even publish gender-critical writers or writers who advocate for the abolition of prostitution and pornography or even for the Nordic model that decriminalizes the selling of sex but criminalizes the buyers of sex, the johns, as well as the criminalization of the pimps. Neither the Right nor the Left respect or support women in ways that will strike at the source of the inequality between the sexes. Males who think feminists are taking over aren’t thinking clearly but emotionally. So much of what is considered female power in our world is really the image of the manipulation of women and girls in capitalism and not at all helpful (rather the opposite) for females. Check out the list that Heritage has assembled (you will find it on their site) of the big money behind this movement. I cannot say that it is correct or even tell you how they assembled it, but it is of interest nonetheless.
The issue for gender-critical women isn’t that there is no such thing as gender dysphoria or that trans people should not be treated humanely. We believe that their rights in housing, employment, education, and health care must be respected. They should not be able, however, to transgress rights and boundaries of women and girls and must be provided separate provision. They should not be placed in women’s prisons, receive scholarships or other honors set aside for females, be allowed in facilities that treat or serve as a refuge for vulnerable women (women who are there precisely because they have experienced violence from males in some cases), be allowed in positions of authority over women or girls with respect to women’s programs, or be allowed to compete in women’s or girls’ sports. Also, we believe that men who either undergo full or partial medicalization or opt for simple self-identification should not be literally believed to be women (nor women believed to be men). Many things go wrong in pregnancy, resulting in anomalies, and some of these are the birth of hermaphrodites or infants with some degree of hermaphroditism along a spectrum and there are also other ambiguous anomolous conditions aside from hermaphroditism. However, these are relatively few and the trans lobby hides behind such people as representative of the whole. Most people are born with XX or XY chromosomes. There is no such thing as pink or blue brains or persons born in a body different from the sex of their brain. There is (as yet, to be sure scientists somewhere are working on it) no way that a person can literally change their chromosomal makeup to be the opposite sex either through medicalization or self-identification. Less than 15% of trans people opt now for medicalization, for reasons that should be obvious.
There has been a huge increase in requests to transition by females and males, especially females, over 4000% in females in Britain alone, for instance. It is should be obvious why females in today’s world would wish to transition. It isn’t easy being an adolescent female with the situation of bullying, in person and on line, policing female bodies and minds that is so prevalent today. The abuse awaiting females, especially female journalists of color and others on line, is endemic to the web and is a source of concern. For that matter, it isn’t always easy for boys either and boys are prone to violence when you consider the many boys and young men who become serial and mass killers in the U.S.
I have read or heard gender-critical activists say that they have trans allies who do not believe they are literally now the opposite sex and that they themselves do not approve of the activities of Stonewall and the trans lobby. We need to hear from these people, but it is no doubt difficult for them to speak out given the backlash anyone who does receives. Gender-critical women and men have lost jobs, been vilified in person and on line, women have been threatened with rape and death, as have their families, and of course a new word TERF, ironically coined by a non-trans woman, and many more are used against anyone who goes against the ideology and the mantra that “Men are women,” Women are men.” And the very institutions who are charged with defending free speech and comity fail to do so in the face of this seemingly powerful movement.
And of course there is the corruption of language, statistics, and the census and the locutions that erase women and lesbians (the lobbyists or other vocal males who transition are telling women that they are the new lesbians and that lesbians should be OK with having sex with them.)There are no more pregnant women (only pregnant persons—-it is surprising how often one reads and hears this as it’s been around forever), no more menstruating women (but menstruating persons), no more breastfeeding women (in favor of breastfeeding or chestfeeding persons in some quarters), and the list goes on. And the increasing letters and numbers that are being added to the traditional LGBT have become an absurdity. I saw one schema recently showing 39 genders (some people believe there are as many genders as people). The 39 included the symbols we all know for male and female and 37 others that use those two basic symbols as templates.
Second-wave feminists believe that sex is basically dimorphic and immutable (while fully understanding that many things can and do go wrong in pregnancy) but that ideas of gender are formed by societies. Transgenderism has come along to say no, gender is innate (and forget sex) because people are born in the wrong bodies different from the sex of their brains. They ignore completely the research by neuroscientists that the brain is plastic and influenced by experience and by the activities of the body. One should easily see why that is problematical thinking in terms of sorting out patriarchy, history, inequality and what we should do to rectify injustice. And there is yet no proof of the existence of this phenomena. It appears to be societally induced.
Second-wave feminists believe that all human beings are worthy of respect and that we should respect our own bodies and live healthily in them. Yes, we should be allowed to love whom we wish to love. We also believe that sadism, masochism, bondage, role playing have no place in healthy human relationships. Radical lesbians and gay males critical of the gay rights movement believe that lesbians and gay men should not seek to copy the pathological relationships that in so many cases characterize heterosexual relations by adopting them in their own lives. These critics have not been received with grace by many in the movement, but vilified as conservatives, sex-phobic, and now trans phobic.
I am not even a lesbian, but find myself in complete sympathy with the lesbians and the few gay thinkers who are opposed to so many developments in the gay community that have been made manifest over the decades since Stonewall. These human beings wish to lead lives of equality with their partners, mutually supportive and loving without the harmful role playing so characteristic of so many heterosexual and now homosexual relationships. This is the same thing that most heterosexual women especially want in their relationships with men.
And of course there are rank opportunist males who use the phenomenon to try to get into female prisons by self-declaring as women. Meghan Murphy’s site will lead you to many stories of this kind. Some of the most vocal males who transition to females have even worn female or male clothing on different days of the week, a sign to me that they want what they want when they want it, not that they care about women or truly believe they are women. This is narcissism.
Just look at the extreme presentation adopted by males who transition to females: the hair, the makeup, the clothing. It is a phantasy version of femaleness, appropriate to transvestism or female impersonators in gay clubs, or Hollywood stars, not to actual women going about their lives in the real world.
And how do they know what it means to be a woman? I am a woman. I have always thought of myself as a human being. I suspect men think of themselves as human beings also. It is only with discrete characteristics that mark us as female or male that we then understand ourselves to be female or male. We are simply human beings, beings who more alike than different. These males are confused about such things, no doubt because of negative life experiences.
Another thing that is happening is that this movement is leading to divorce among long-time heterosexual partners and breakups or divorces among same-sex partners when one of the partners suddenly announces they are trans.
I have read that many males who transition to females are coming out of the sex trade, although not exclusively of course. I am confident that most trans people are not criminals and wish to lead quiet lives of usefulness once they transition but the more bizarre aspects of this movement are bound to be publicized in the media.
There is one trans person for whom I have the greatest admiration and that is Chelsea Manning. He/she is a true hero.
I personally don’t believe males should undergo medicalization and lose their penises. This is a terrible thing. Neither should women remove their breasts and internal/external reproductive organs.This mutilation comes from a very deep source, in both males and females. People who study these issues have found that there is a history of sexual abuse or psychological or physical abuse by caregivers, mainly male parents, but by no means exclusively. that leads to gender dysphoria and mutilation in a majority of persons who wish to transition. They find as well a tendency toward self-mutilation, the usual kinds of which readers are no doubt conversant, but other mutilations that can be of a profoundly serious and pathological nature. The idea is that human beings experiencing trauma try to help themselves by suffering or by transitioning to the other gender and as a result achieve healing or a sense of power (this is especially true in the case of females). Full or even partial medicalization is medicalization by proxy.
It has been posited (by a psychiatrist I believe called Blanchard) that males who transition to female are autogynephilic, that is expressing some form of deviance with respect to women, the most prominent being males who receive sexual gratification by dressing or possibly even being debased as they observe women being debased. That is also an indication why sadism, masochism, and bondage can be associated with their sexual lives. I hasten to say that these same conditions are prevalent to a great extent in heterosexual sex. Gays and trans have no particular claim on such practices. Heterosexuals are still the larger segment of societies around the world. These practice derive from the inequality between the sexes and distortions in human relationships.
Indeed, without patriarchy, could there even be homosexuality or transgenderism? Could we not then easily accept that children and adults manifest various characteristics and that their personality should be honored if otherwise healthy? Those males who are slight and more refined would not then be vilified and condemned by a gender police for being deviant and possessing the despised characteristics of females. Those females who look more like males would not then be vilified as unfeminine and deviant. Could we not understand then how to lead our lives of mutual respect for one another, of respect for our bodies, of respect for the earth and all life on it and free ourselves from the necessity of the kind of religious beliefs that lead to inequality and so much shame and suffering?
There is just one big problem. We don’t appear to have time for any of this good stuff because of the global catastrophe that is taking shape all around us. I do trust there aren’t any fools on this site who reject climate change and the changes that have already happened and that are bearing down upon us now with alarming speed?
All the more need for critical thinking and humane thinking because of the enormity of the challenges we face to survive as a species.
UNNL you need your own blog
“humane thinking”- definitely we here all want this. The thing is, sociopathic technocrats take advantage of our desire to be kind to others to foment divisions. The people we call ‘trans’ have been with us for ages. It was just as the gay marrriage thing got more or less settled in favor of “why shouldn’t gay people be condemned to matrimony like the rest of us?” the Foundation World grifters turned on a dime to ‘trans rights.’ It was a money hustle to some and social engineering to others. Neither are interested in any humane thinking.
This post has been updated with a photo from just yesterday – NCAA women’s swimming (right?) – there’s a “better” photo out there of three women finishers – on the awards platform as above – but clustered together arm in arm at a considerable distance from first place finisher (did 4th place force her way up there?).
My point? – there is finally some push back; ah, but if the rulers can’t achieve the top prize of acceptance they can always get the second prize of discord, strife, stress. My fall back point? – try to be happy warriors!
Just my opinion, but the whole tranny scenario’s number one goal is two-fold: first, the usual divide and conquer control grid; two, it’s just a more productive way to destroy Christianity…Sodom and Gomorra style! They’ll do anything to “know” you….know what I mean? But a wokester is gonna do what a wokester is gonna do….
Psychopaths have no shame, guilt or honor — it’s part of their devastating arrested development (see Pres. Biden). Winning is about standing at the top of the podium, you just do whatever it takes. Also they have no innate sense of gender identity. https://pathwhisperer.info/2018/12/02/from-psychopaths-love-a-hidden-fact-of-psychopaths-they-have-no-gender/
It never ceases to amaze and amuse me at how stupid the left really are. They BBQ their own daughters just to tear down the next standing moral tradition
Where to next?
BTW. That comment from the OZ Kirstie Miller thing, gives the game away by her notable follower Clementine Ford
Research her if you need a solid smacking of man hatred and human vitriol
(I didn’t miss the irony however)
Two articles worth attention:
‘We are just guinea pigs’: Women describe trauma of transitioning as teenagers
The Trans Swimmer Who Won Too Much
The latter article, published in the New Yorker, has a comically serious tone, with a hint of disdain for skeptics, meaning people who take biological sex too seriously, vaguely suggesting anyone who thinks it’s inappropriate for biological males to be competing against biological females ought to find something else to worry about — imagine sitting down and writing thousands of words, blah blah, about something as grotesque and so obviously wrong — I suggest looking up the author’s bio.
A representative passage:
At the end of last year, researchers at Duke, Marquette, and the Mayo Clinic studied Thomas’s swimming times before and after testosterone suppression. According to a preprint of a paper the researchers have authored, Thomas’s best times were around five per cent slower than her best times when she competed against men—a much smaller gap than the average difference between men and women. It may be that Thomas retains a significant metabolic and physiological advantage over cisgender women. It may be that she is an outlier. It may also be that she is swimming faster relative to her competitors than before in part because she is in a better place now—no longer battling gender dysphoria, able to swim, as she put it, as her authentic self, comfortable pulling on a swimsuit and feeling her body for what it is, slipping through the water.y
I guess it takes university ‘researchers’ to compare swimming times — no doubt they’ll soon publish a peer-reviewed paper, and update their CVs to add the new publication.
There’s something about ‘woke’ women — they seem completely oblivious to how ridiculous their earnestness is.
Regard the Twitter thread reproduced here, Twitter/KirstiMiller30 is homosexual and Jewish:
link — I’m the gay grandson of a persecuted Jew; freedom of religion is not freedom to harm
Note: ‘gay grandson’, but the Twitter profile says ‘She/Her’.
I know you’re surprised.
I have zero sympathy for these female athletes, because most of them supported the lgbt movement. They are only whining and complaining now because they are being forced to compete with biological males who removed their testes and are still losing to them, which is embarrassing. Talk about the chickens coming home to roost.
The majority of women in the West support the very policies that are destroying it, such as open borders, lgbt, gun control, opposition to the death penalty, abortion, welfare, etc. They are nothing more than useful idiots used by the ruling elite to destabilize society. That is why they were given the “right” to vote in 1920. The only solution is to strip women of all political/voting power and return them to the status they had in ancient Rome and Greece, which is to be the property of their fathers and then husbands, without a say in anything.