Homes Are “Unaffordable” In 99 Percent Of U.S. Counties

Economic Collapse | Sept. 28, 2023

If you are looking to buy a home right now, I feel so sorry for you.  The other day when I wrote that “life in America has never been more unaffordable than it is right now”, some people thought that I was exaggerating.  But the truth is that I was not exaggerating one bit.  The cost of living has risen to extremely painful levels, and this is particularly true when it comes to housing.  Since 2019, the median price of a home in the United States has risen by more than $100,000.  And thanks to the Federal Reserve, we are now facing dramatically higher interest rates.  As a result, housing has become extraordinarily unaffordable.  In fact, a new report that was just released determined that homes are currently “unaffordable” in 99 percent of U.S. counties

The typical American cannot afford to buy a home in a growing number of communities across the nation, according to common lending standards.

That’s the main takeaway from a new report from real estate data provider ATTOM. Researchers examined the median home prices last year for roughly 575 U.S. counties and found that home prices in 99% of those areas are beyond the reach of the average income earner, who makes $71,214 a year, according to ATTOM.


3 Comments on Homes Are “Unaffordable” In 99 Percent Of U.S. Counties

  1. “Thank you” Vanguard – Blackrock. Well Connected Israeli investment companies. The vadt majority of western citizens are so ill informed and happy, they have neither a clue nor a desire to find one.

  2. I think people should keep track of foreclosed homes and break in and then squat there. People are losing their homes because of a criminal system based on usury, theft and fraud. Imagine the police having to deal with millions and millions of squatters over and over and over, especially in a country with gun rights. The people have just claim to the nation’s property, not the central bankster and masonic oligarchy. All their wealth and property and been gained illegitimately and should be made null and void. If the corrupt system doesn’t make it happen, perhaps the people should. I think this could be an actually effective as well as an entirely just and peaceful way to resist and to harm the oligarchy. I would be a legitimate and just great reset scheme against the property and property rights of the crime syndicate. Property which is all illegitimate and should rightfully belong to the people, not to Central Bankster and Masonic usurers and parasites.

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