In previous posts we revealed the pedigrees of David Cameron and John Kerry. Two of Cameron’s great-grandfathers were British pederast War Party banksters who were instrumental in financing the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. Kerry is a direct descendant of — and has a great resemblance to — one of the most famous mystic rabbis in history, the Maharal Of Prague.
- UK PM David Cameron’s Great Grandfathers Were Rothschild-Connected Bankers Who Financed Russo-Japanese War
- The Sordid Family History of John Forbes Kerry
Boris Johnson’s great grandfather Ali Kemal (1869-1922) was 50% Turkish , 50% Circassian who married a British woman. Kemal was a British empire puppet and Ottoman minister of interior. After British and European post WWI occupation of Turkey for five years he was hung because of his support for the British and opposition to Turkish independence.
British Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is another chip off a bad ol’ block. Johnson’s father, Stanley, has been writing books promoting depopulation for almost 50 years now, starting with “Life without Birth: A Journey Through the Third World in Search of the Population Explosion” (1970).
In 1982 papa Stanley wrote a novel “The Virus” about the purposeful release of a virus as cover for population control and forced vaccinations.
Stanley is a former employee of the World Bank and the European Commission, two of the most prominent promoters of “carbon” taxation, which would increase the cost of both food and fuel exponentially. He was also the head of the Prevention of Pollution Division at the European Commission from 1973 to 1979.
As a reminder, what the “climate change” and “environmental” policies of the ruling class are usually really about is depopulation in order to maintain control over land and resources.
Stanley’s works include:
- The Green Revolution (1972)
- The Population Problem (1973)
- The Politics of Environment (1973)
- Pollution Control Policy of the EEC (1978)
- World Population and the United Nations (1987)
- The Earth Summit: The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNCED (1993)
- World Population – Turning the Tide (1994)
- The Politics of Population: Cairo (1994)
- The Environmental Policy of the European Communities (1995)
- UNEP: The First 40 Years – A Narrative by Stanley Johnson (United Nations Environment Programme) (2012)
It was Stanley Johnson who wrote the introduction and commentary to the official text of the United Nation’s 1993 Rio Earth Summit, wherein the policies of Agenda 21 were articulated.
Boris’ mother, Charlotte Johnson Wahl, “made her name as a professional portrait painter” for Crispin Tickell, the U.N. spook who first convinced Margret Thatcher to introduce the concept of CO2-driven “climate change” into mainstream British politics in a speech she gave to the Royal Society in September 1988.
Sir Crispin is a direct descendant of Thomas Henry Huxley (known as Darwin’s bulldog), one of the first promoters of Darwinism and Eugenics, which led to government sterilization policies all over the world.
Boris’ maternal grandfather was James Fawcett. He assisted with the writing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. He returned to private practice as a barrister in 1950 and appeared for the U.K. at the International Court of Justice at The Hague several times.
Fawcett was general counsel to the International Monetary Fund from 1955 to 1960 and a member of the European Commission of Human Rights from 1962 to 1984, serving as its president from 1972 to 1982. He was also director of studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House) from 1969 to 1973.
Recently, Boris Johnson delivered a speech to the U.N. General Assembly in which he acknowledged the threats presented by modern technology, but then committed the U.K. to its further development, declaring a “need to agree to a common set of global principles to shape the norms and standards that will guide the development of emerging technology.”
He also spoke of the necessity of adopting “green tech” in “our common struggle against climate change.”
Boris was raised in a bubble and attended private schools. His earliest recorded ambition was to be “world king.”
At Eton College, Johnson began using his middle name, Boris, rather than Alex and developed “the eccentric English persona” for which he would later become known. School reports mention his idleness, complacency and lateness, but he was popular and well known at Eton. His friends were largely from the wealthy upper classes.
With the fall of the Berlin Wall, Johnson emerged as a Eurosceptic. In the ’90s, he began hanging out with the left-liberal intelligentsia. Under the influence of this milieu and his wife, Johnson moved in a more liberal direction on issues like climate change, LGBT rights and race relations.
His exposure starting taking off when he appeared on T.V. shows as a bumbling but entertaining upper-class persona. He is a Lugenpresse media creation.
Here is World Wide Wrestling, British Boorish Johnson style.
As a public official, he has a reputation for poor discipline and either missing or being late to meetings. During his first four years as M.P., he attended just over half of the Commons votes. In his second term, this declined to 45%.
He went contrary to Conservative policy by endorsing an earned amnesty for illegal immigrants. He supported Barrack Obama during U.S. presidential races.
Johnson’s election to Mayor of London in 2007 was primarily funded by the City of London’s financial sector.
He remains largely supportive of his friends in the media – among them Rupert Murdoch.
Johnson champions London’s financial sector and has denounced “banker bashing” following the financial crisis of 2008/’09, condemning the anti-capitalist Occupy London movement that emerged in 2011.
He received criticism during the early weeks after taking over former British P.M. Theresa May’s post, largely because he was late for two official functions in his first week, and because he went on holiday to Turkey after just three weeks on the job.
Throughout his public life, Johnson has had a reputation as a skirt chaser and has a proclivity of impregnating his amores. The press has also accused him of having an affair with Helen MacIntyre and of fathering her child, allegations that he did not deny. He was also caught up in the parliamentary expenses scandal.
It’s clear that he’s a compromisable character and, as a consequence, controllable. This will be useful to the New Underworld Order on issues like war and peace. When push comes to shove, he will always be the errand boy and key member of the kakistocracy.
Winter Watch Takeaway
The giveaway is Boris Johnson’s pedigree of hardcore globalists and internationalists. Like Trump, he represents the right but is, in reality, a Trojan horse sent in to bring down the nation.
The sistema is using the same Worldwide Wrestling formula with Boorish as with Trump: reality T.V. cult of celebrity personality.
Asked why they support Boorish, a common reply among his voters was, “I’m voting for Boris because he is a laugh.”
As prime minister, it will be Johnson who gets the last laugh.

Boris -Stable Boy.
I have to be honest here. I was born in the wrong time. I’d be much happier living in the middle ages, lopping the heads off of smelly peasants and then giving the stable boy a jolly good buggering.”
What a disgusting sodomite homopervert whoever wants to do that to the stable boy. Is that what Boris Johnson said?
Every time I see the face of that blight on humanity I recall him doxing himself and revealing his commitment to, as the No.1 patron of, Israel’s proxy terrorists that were unleashed to destroy Syria …
• Boris Johnson praising the [Islamic terrorist] and providing £65 million!
featured here …
“Russia always lets you down” Boris Johnson
Let’s just be thankful that Boris pulled through …
(the latter dismantles the credibility of CGTN by the way)
12 December 2021 https://www.bitchute.com/vi… British PM Boris Johnson ( j ) pushing the booster death jabs for omIcron… https://www.timesofisrael.c… ” immensely proud of my j. ancestry / Johnson’s maternal great-grandfather, Elias Avery Lowe, was a Moscow-born j. born to a textile merchant.”
2 June 2021 https://adarapress.com/2021… Boris Johnson’s eugenicist father – Stanley Johnson, advocates reducing the population thru “vaccination” / Gates of Hell style.
9 May 2021 https://www.youtube.com/wat… “Life without Birth” written by J. sr.
Boris Johnson´s j. roots are never mentioned in the alt. media whose main focus is cv19 etc. / let alone in the j. run msm / small little omicronano Q : are these alt. media also run by fake j.´s. ?
Conclu-Zion / Boris Johnson is a talmud / tanya fake j. killing off the British people & will most probably organise another hell of a party behind black curtains during Christmas at Downingstreet 10 / yes/yes/yes wef/wef/wef 6/6/6 we are downing & drowning ze british people / Polonaise…..
Boris Johnson is the Donald Trump of Justin Trudeau’s
Defnitely a made man. He’ll be pushed out of the spotlight at a propitious moment. They seem to be pushing Starmer lately
Man who saved Jimmy Savile is now leader of the Labour Party.
Savile was a prolific paedophile.
Behind The Falkland Islands Story.
The Falklands Islands crisis is one of conflict between Argentina, one of the few white nations in South America, and the Jewish-poisoned dregs of the once mighty British Empire, a former bastion of the white race now consisting of a few whites inundated by a sea of coloured, and ruled by the Jewish banker family of Battenberg, who anglicized their name to Mountbatten in World War I, because even then they had already attained complete control of the formerly white nation of the British Isles. Lord Mountbatten reigned as First Lord of the Admiralty, and his son married Edwina Cassel, daughter of the fabulously wealthy Sir Edward Cassel, a German Jewish emigrant who formed one of the notorious “Jewish Seven” who comprised the Prince of Wales; and later Edward VII; inner circle, led by “Lord” Nathaniel Rothschild. These Jews saw to it that the Prince of Wales had everything he wanted in way of wine, women and song, and in exchange he allowed them to seize control of the British Empire.