‘A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what’s going on.’ — William S. Burroughs
The idea of the covert blackmail operation is to sexually compromise using underage boys or girls and to film deviant behaviors with them so as to create a dossier. It doesn’t hurt if they can strategically place some prime psychopaths in the sistema to boot. This method is also utilized to actively recruit hellfire deviants to put into government, law enforcement, media and judiciary, etc. Once the minions are recruited, they are also well rewarded monetarily and with whatever kink suits them.
The functionality of this bribe and deviant blackmail system works at lower echelons right up to the top. Anybody following false flags and staged deceptions is constantly taken aback by the creepiness of the people involved.
Read “Freemason Spies Lodge, Pedophilia and the Case Of Keith Harding”
This is also referred to as “brownstone or blackmail operations” whereby various law enforcement entities are infested with compromised individuals. This is also what Stanley Kubrick revealed in his film Eyes Wide Shut.
I will get to more on Belgium, but in 1994 before being infested, the Belgian police put out the “Atlas Report” detailing Mossad ties and promotion of controlled opposition neo-Nazi and anti-Muslim groups. I suspect this has morphed further into what we are seeing today with the never-ending Muslim demonization and “white supremacist” frauds in the U.S. and Europe.
In addition, as the “Atlas Report” stated — and one can only imagine how much worse this is today: “To understand ‘Nebula’, one has to abandon the established path of logic as far as finances and politics are concerned. No longer can there be mention of nation states, of political party colors or of any economic coherence. Our conclusion would be that, over 20 years, some economical forces, some of which are of the mafia-type linked to the political power and organized crime structures, have reached the 4th level of money laundering, in other words: Absolute Power.”
A prime example was at Sandy Hook. Connecticut State Coroner the late Wayne Carver just reeks of this. My theory is that he was a highly compromised, well-paid mole who was told it was time “to pay his dues.” I actually think Carver — with his goofy behavior and strange comments, such as the “big magnificent tent” and “I just hope this all doesn’t come crashing down on their heads later” — was his not-so-subtle way of saying “screw you” to the Crime Syndicate.
This also explains the claim the clueless make that “somebody would talk.” News flash, people have talked and were ignored. Worse, certain perfectly healthy law enforcement officials on the case just suddenly died. These are individuals who are untouchables or stumbled upon incriminating things, such as Commissaire Helric Fredou in the Charlie Hebdo case. Fredou was not part of the infestation and had to be dispatched.
His passing – while participating in the Charlie Hebdo investigation – has barely been acknowledged. His death in Limoges, Southwest France, is shrouded in mystery. He allegedly committed suicide within hours of a police debriefing and the preparation of his police report. We are asked to believe the ludicrous story that a veteran policeman suffered from a burnout following a meeting with relatives of one of the victims.
One of the investigators on the Sandy Hook incident also died rather abruptly and mysteriously. William Podgorski, 49, was commander of the Connecticut State Police’s Western District. Podgorski underwent surgery and died.
The case of well-connected Jewish billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his main squeeze Ghislaine Maxwell made a splash. Convicted of sex with under-aged girls, Epstein was in a position to compromise high level people by providing under-aged kink for the likes of Prince Andrew. Now Andrew tells us he traveled all the way to New York to “break off his relationship with Epstein in 2010.”Bill Clinton was a frequent guest of Epstein. Now most conveniently Epstein allegedly died in a jail cell with the CCTV security cameras turned off.
The trial of Maxwell was quite contained in terms of it’s revelations suggesting the kompromat is still intact. Yeah sure: Ghislaine Maxwell’s little black book under FBI review, says report. How long have they had this evidence at this stage?
Read “Out the Back Door? Questioning the Death of Jeffrey Epstein”
In many cases, it’s not even necessary to blackmail but to simply provide certain favors. But the dossiers exist, if needed to be called upon if something very important is required. This goes along way in explaining how an obscure Arkansas governor who can’t keep it in his pants can go on to become president of the United States. Now there are dossier stirrings concerning Donald Trump.
Read “Prince Andrew Claims 2010 Jeffrey Epstein Visit in NYC Was to End Friendship”
The pedophile scandals among the U.K.’s elite and officialdom are now well known even among the snoozers and comatose. But the snoozers can’t connect the dots that infestations of pedophiles and perverts in government is by design. A number of U.K. police investigators have been openly murdered over the years for stumbling onto high-level pedophiles.
Perhaps not as well known but even more shocking was the Dutroux sex slave and child murder case in Belgium that nearly caused a revolution in the country. I wrote an extensive post on this. This case is never ending and goes very deep.
Belgium is the international headquarters of the Israeli child trafficking network and also the seat of the European Parliament. Don’t believe me? Enter “human trafficking, Belgium and Israel” into a Gibiru search engine and dozens of sources appear. There are similar Crime Syndicate rings in eastern Europe [see Ynet.news: “Israel’s Sex Trade Booming” and from Times of Israel: [Police Bust Woman Trafficking Ring]. Marc Dutroux, his Israeli wife and Benjamin Weinstein were procurers of children for the Belgian ring and were obviously protected. Watch the documentary in the Dutroux link.
For the purposes of this article, I am much more interested in the blackmail and system-control aspect as practiced by this mafia-style syndicate. Search the names Michael Nihoul and Mink Kok (both Jews) and see where it takes you.
Nihoul bragged in a Der Speigel interview after being paroled:
“I control the government. … Everyone has compromising dossiers on one another, to be used as leverage in the right situation. … This is the Belgian disease. …
“Give me another 20,000 marks, and I give you a serving minister who is embroiled in a murder. … I know the killer and will have him contact the minister by telephone. You can listen along, okay?
“[Voice recorder turned off. For a 6-digit sum] I will give you a picture on which then Prince Albert jumps a 16-year-old girl. Naked. Shot at the second floor of the Mirano Club 20 years ago [where a pedophile blackmail ring allegedly was situated, according to other witnesses]. … Then I do have to leave Belgium.”
The best-known case in the U.S. is called the Franklin Affair and involves Boys Town in Nebraska and a VIP pedophile in DC. This excellent documentary on the Franklin sex affair was deep-sixed and never aired but is widely viewed on YouTube and is still up.
Adding more fuel to the fire is the case of Denny Hastert, former Speaker of the House, whose kink was under-age boys and raising hush money, $3.4 million worth in fact. A thinking person would ask the obvious question: How did such a person even get into such a position of high power?
Same as it ever was. What’s rare is the information now available and catalogued on the internet. Eventually we’ll reach a tipping point and enough people will become aware so that these shenanigans won’t be possible. We’re still a ways off. We’re dealing with a type of psychopathic behavior that most people do not want to know about.
He is more than a limited hangout. He is a jewish subversive agent. He is openly a Zionist jew. He said the Allies did a good thing in bombing innocents because the people of Dresden were turning jews into meat and said “those are the facts.” He should be completely ostracized.
I have observed him throwing more than a few Zio Jewish crime syndicate reprobates under the bus. Not many others are doing so and that is a litmus test for me. Yes, he may be protecting others, so that needs to be watched and taken under advisement.
I’m not sure we’ll ever reach the tipping point on pedophilia. Many people can’t bring themselves to believe that the government is loaded at all levels with seriously damaged individuals. Most of the people I know believe that the police would uncover it, someone would expose it, the MSM WOULD REPORT IT. If you try to explain to them that these entities are as full of corrupt and psychopathic people as the government, they conclude that you are delusional and a conspiracy theorist because it simply couldn’t happen. Even when you put conclusive evidence, which they discount as being “fake news”, in front of them, they just shut down and walk away or recommend you get help. I’ve concluded it’s a self-preservation tactic of the most desperate order. After all, to finally admit to yourself that you have been voting for and defending perverts most of your life really brings your own judgement into question and the psyche can’t take the possibility of that level of error as the ensuing disintegration of identity would be overwhelming. So down to the bunker we go…
So true. Most people are not able to recognize the depravity. They don’t experience it in their daily lives, and they don’t want to accept its existence, so you must be crazy to bring up the subject. I see dark days ahead – there are not enough white hats and whistleblowers to stem the tide. The system has to collapse, because there is systemic rot everywhere we look. It’s baked into the cake.
I have tried myself to talk about these crimes with friends and family members and the mental gymnastics they pull to get out of any discussion is quite extraordinary. They actually will start to attack the messenger, even friends! At first I did honestly believe this was because they couldn’t face it b/c it was too dark, or their ‘good heart’ just wouldn’t let them fathom such scenarios. But, I have a different take on this now. I think it’s actually much more personal than that—I think in their hearts they know, and they know it hits much closer to home than they will admit, because then they would have to call out the offensive behaviors all around them. The pederast uncle who went unchecked, the neighbor they never personally called out, the boss they allowed to humiliate their co-worker, the high school girl friend who was ‘dating’ the football coach and her friends were actually jealous, etc. To call out the big players means they would have to put a microscope into their own lives and behaviors, and they don’t have the courage or moral fortitude for that.
Yeah, that “good heart” excuse? Doesn’t work for me anymore.
“ The people hire the politicians so that the people can:
(1) obtain security without managing it.
(2) obtain action without thinking about it.
(3) inflict theft, injury, and death upon others
without having to contemplate either life – or death.
(4) avoid responsibility for their own intentions
(5) obtain the benefits of reality and science
.wlthout exerting themselves In the discipline of facing or learning either of these things.
They give the politicians the power to create and manage a war machine to:
(1) provide for the survival of the nation/womb. 2) prevent encroachment of anything upon the
(3) destroy the enemy who threatens the NATI0N/WOMB.
(4) destroy those citizens of their own oountry
who do not conform for the sake of stability of the NATION/WOMB.”
-Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Anyone think Jung’s statement about the unconscious applies here?
“ Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Might this be a plausible explanation for why people are lining up for shots, kids in tow? The cognitive dissonance is becoming overwhelming.
Smells like a vaxx spirit— The denial… the denial…the denial…
Well said! Your first #3 seems especially poignant and relevant and infuriating.
Episode #748 – The Tyranny of Enemy Images – 3
(Pedophilia As A Tool Of The Deep State)
Infowars does some good coverage on the sick world where Pedophiles are in charge. Also, Jones gives credit to Trump for breaking up some of the world child trafficking \ pedo groups. But you guys here hate trump, so this post will be deleted.
Just the facts- there is no evidence that Trump has focused on or had much success breaking up trafficking.
Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the Deep State while in office…and that is why he lived through his presidency while JFK did not. At best, he may have taken down a few low level, non connected pedos, but he would not dare go after the elite.
No matter how many times Trump screws his supporters, they will never accept the reality of what he is. I predict he wins again in 2024 thanks in part to votes from people like Buddhaboy and he will then proceed to screw the American people one final time. I am amazed at how many conservatives Trump continues to dupe, even the governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem just endorsed him…..the Crime Syndicate chooses their con men well.
The Evil Coachman character in Walt Disney’s cartoon classic “Pinocchio” was based on August Belmont, the Rothschild’s representative in the US and probably the most powerful man in America over the years 1850-1890. What does the Evil Coachman do? He kidnaps young boys and takes them to Pleasure Island, where they are turned into donkeys – e.g. beasts of burden. So Epstein had a predecessor and role model.
“What does the Evil Coachman do? He kidnaps young boys and takes them to
Pleasure Island, where they are turned into donkeys” WOW – really ?!! I shall
have to watch ‘Pinocchio’ again. Saw it in a theater as a young child in the 60s.
I’m sure so many movies (cartoons as well) have all kinds of interesting content
that we never knew what we we’re seeing.
That’s kind of interesting too… layers within layers folding in on themselves:
Lorenzini’s work was not solely political. His writings, especially Le Avventure di Pinocchio contained dealt with metaphysical manners that are often overlooked by modern readers. One important fact needed to fully understand the depth of Lorenzini’s work is that he was an active Freemason. In an essay called Pinocchio, mio Fratello (Pinocchio, my Brother) Italian Freemason Giovanni Malevolti describes the Masonic background of Lorenzini:
“Carlo Collodi’s initiation into Freemasonry, even if cannot be found in any official records, is universally recognized and often referred to. Aldo Mola, a non-mason who is generally defined as an official historian of Freemasonry, has expressed with great certitude the writer’s initiation into the Masonic family. Events in Collodi’s life seem to further confirm this thesis: the creation in 1848 of a paper called “Il Lampione” (The Beacon), which, as stated by Lorenzini, “illuminated all who were teetering in darkness”; he also considered himself a “passionate disciple of Mazzini” (a prominent Italian Freemason and revolutionary).”
The boys were promised jobs as actors (“…an actor’s life for me!”). Hollywood was pedophilic even back then.
Greetings Russell (et al Winter Watchers)
Wishing you peace and good health for the New Year.
A happy song …
• Moranbong Band – Let New Year’s snow fall (설눈아 내려라)
And a couple of more sombre shares for another time …
• The Bolshevik Revolution – Darkness Descends
• E. Michael Jones Finally Discusses the Holocaust Myth
Thanks for your work – I always have much more to learn.
Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book unredacted
Happy New Year Russ and all Winter Watchers, for Russ you have inspired me in many ways…for one thing, maybe a new novel relating to the depravities and kakistocracy you report about, which goes waaaayyyy beyond rock stars and the entertainment industry.
The new novel in the comment above is called “The Murder Rule” and will be uploaded as a FREE PDF novel very soon, and will be registered with the Library of Congress…so no stealing the copyright, ChatGPT! (or you hackers).
Jimmy Saville….
decades of layers of corruption, entrapment, violence.
His BBC radio show theme tune was ‘I’m in with the in crowd’ – he pretty much seemed to rule the in crowd in the 70’s.
Broadmoor: Savile was ‘a lunatic in charge of the asylum’
A lot of people focus on what he did when alive but the establishment relief when he died and fake media outrage was palpable. He had a lot of people by the short and curies
I think this kind of stuff is what Ian Fleming was thinking about when he wrote From Russia WIth Love. Because there’s a whole bit about sexual blackmail. The big powers all did it to one another as soon as film and audio recording technology allowed. It was more difficult before as you needed multiple witnesses. It’s hard to blame the Isrealis for jumping into the game as they has pretence toward global power. The technological power available now just allows them to black mail everyone from the CEOs to the guy who sweeps the floor.
This is probably not going to be new for a lot of readers here, but the timing was so relevant I thought I’d share a really good interview with Philip Fairbanks who sounds well-researched in this domain and has been at it for decades. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/skeptiko-science-at-the-tipping-point/id210217437?i=1000546894172
Russ just listened to your Event recording with Fetzger and the team. What does ELF mean? I wish someone would have explained it as it was used frequently. Thanks.
Not my term, but I think it is Guiseppe’s new term for the Judaic wing of the Crime Syndicate. Maybe he imagines this will avoid the censors, I don’t know. Ask him directly.
Maria Farmer, one of Epstein’s victims talks about Ghislaine Maxwell
There’s obviously a push happening by the “elites” to normalize or sanitize pedophilia (HBTQ(P) perverts openly targetting families and kids, UN pushing to teach toddlers sexual education and masturbation and more.) Likely these freaks consider their sickness positive and progressive but it seems quite risky to do it so suddenly and brazen as the vast majority of humans are still staunchly opposed to pedophilia. Perhaps it’s because they know it’s just a matter of time before their horrific sexual proclivities get exposed and they’re trying to generate tolerance and acceptance for it to make sure that when that happens nobody will care.
I very much appreciate these articles on the background and formation of the globalist crime syndicate and how it came to rule the world. They’re very helpful to inform people who are just waking up to the corruption and evil of the globalists and their system how it happened and why. Also important is that it clearly shows it’s not sporadic and nothing new and/or superficial but rather goes way back and is very deeply rooted and widespread. Otherwise they may turn to the system for solutions, whose “solutions” of course all just serve increase globalist crime syndicate power and control.
People need to understand that the ruling so-called elites – all of them – and their system are/is the problem and that the only way for things to change for the better is for ordinary people make it happen ourselves. We need to wake and rise up together to take back our countries and our world. There will be no billionaire savior from above nor will any ideology save us. These articles (like Hellfire, Thuggie, Knights Templar, Sabbatean Frankism, Marx, Tavistock, British elite pedophilia/pedastry and more) can help people understand that and why.