The ‘Cisnormative’ Gender Scam

IMAGE: Youtube

The gender-neutrality movement has advanced to such a degree that Canada actually implemented a disturbing law that requires those employed by government-funded institutions to use newly manufactured gender-neutral words, such as “ze.”

To gain some basis to understand this term, I went to the horse’s mouth, “The Queer Dictionary“(QD).

This shadow language starts with a term called cisgender. The QD says this is an adjective used to describe someone whose gender identity matches their body and the gender assigned to them at birth. It’s extended to include all who view human beings through the prism of one of either sex, male or female. For the discordian neo-Marxists, that would include just about everyone. They give as an example, “I’m am cisgender: although I’m a tomboy, I’ve been identified as a girl my whole life and I have always considered myself to be a woman.”

Even in the LGBT community, the vast majority of homosexuals and bisexuals self-identify as cisgender. Transgenders — if this statistic is to be believed — make up 0.3% of the U.S. population. How many among this 0.3% insist on being addressed as “ze” is undetermined.

So after establishing that about everyone is cisgender, the QD defines cisnormativity as 1, implying, creating or prescribing a norm or standard and 2. expressing value judgments or prescriptions as contrasted with stating facts. The prevailing standard is the male or female view.

So what are the facts in this case? Transgenders are not in the norm, in fact they are a very small fraction of the population. Even by their own admission, the QD states that “although transgender-identified people comprise a tiny percentage of the human population, many trans* people and allies consider it to be offensive to presume that everyone is cisgender.

Winter Watch takeaway: notice the use of the word, “allies.” The QD goes on to say, “Although cisnormativity is rarely deliberate, it is almost always perceived as hurtful and offensive to the trans* community.” So here we are asked to believe that a tiny group is almost always offended if someone fails to proper pick up on their “gender”. Is that even true, and if so to what degree? Practically speaking one would not only have to be highly sensitive but also a mind reader to navigate this.

This extremely low-bar definition is equivalent to tripping on an uneven sidewalk crack. Unless you run in trans circles, there’s no reason to be concerned about offending a trans because you use language or reactions gleaned from thousands of years of evolution and custom.

I have knowingly interacted with only one transgender person in my entire life. He (or ze) was midway through some kind of gender change. He (or she) was a mess, and I felt sorry for ze more than hostile. This was an uncomfortable social interaction for sure. Regardless this person showed no offense to me stumbling around with the gender to address whatever he or she, or ze was. But that was 25 years ago.

In hindsight, the pronoun “ze” might have been useful, but how the hell was I supposed to broach the subject of what ze wanted to be called? Ze’s apparent goal was to be a her. Although I interacted in good faith, I admit being cisgendered clueless about that whole scene. Is that really my problem? Regardless, legislating this whole issue with sanctions is like tripping people on sidewalk cracks. It is also like utilizing a dishonest translator.

On Being ‘Offended’

I have a female friend who once in a while calls me “old man.” She uses it as a term of teasing endearment. Do I like this term? Not especially, but it’s very low on my list for rattling cages or having tizzy fits.

Do I see signs of ageism as I get older? Yes, some- but it is not overt hostility. Except there are some now rooting for “baby boomers” to die off, that is rather offensive. When we see a more severe economic downturn this one may gain traction as a disturbing scapegoat subversion for what in actuality is Crime Syndicate looting. It seems they are positioning this as patriarchal, as if “old white men have wrecked society” and it will “be better when they are gone, etc.”

Is there age stereotyping: yes, but in general this allows society to function more efficiently relative to old men. In fact not only is it not practical, it would be narcissistic for old timers to insist on be handled as individuals, with individual requirements by strangers. If you want that, you need to be in a clan or extended family. But that’s discouraged as well.

It’s mostly expressed as deference, such as being offered a seat on public transport. But any “hurtful” reaction would mostly be a reflection of my own insecurities about aging, not societal norms. Alas, we now learn that there are real and imagined ageism stereotypes. Whodathunk. I say get over it.

What is This Scam Really About?

Therefore, we must assume that the cis-scam is first and foremost attention-seeking or even narcissistic behavior and, secondly, societal subversion and ultimately a power play and enslavement.

The cis scam, once it goes into the realm of “rights” and the laws, is nothing more than political subversion. Canada’s so-called legislation also shows how deep the neo-Marxist fifth columns have burrowed into vulnerable Western institutions. The “trans community” is irrationalized and using “trans” as a herding tool for Post-Modern Marxist agendas.

Language has been weaponized for quite some time (Islamophobia, racist, Nazi, etc.) in a quest to destroy Western society. In summary, this issue is not so much about “trans’ people and their rights as it is neo-Marxist ideology and the control of society.

Addressed by the great Asha Logos.

Asha Logos Calls for a Revived Culture as the Pathway Forward

Russ Winter Joins Operation Scorpio and the Brain Trust to Put Forth Asha Logos’ Masterpiece

20 Comments on The ‘Cisnormative’ Gender Scam

  1. I live in a very liberal town and it’s crazy how many gender confused people I run into. One runs the tiny post office 1 minute from where I live, several work at Whole Foods, and at least three (?!) work at our local Joann Fabric store. These are basically the only places I go, lol.

    • It’s certainly interesting how many gender-confused and “queer” people or whatever I see when I go into the city compared to the apparent complete lack of them in rural areas.

      • They couldn’t handle living in rural areas! But there is a tranny couple that own property out here (but ive near Houston) in our POA in the mountains of far west Texas. They can keep their bogus “pronouns”!

  2. I don’t believe its political subversion, that is more of a superficial affect. It’s rooted in an epistomological evolution. Notice that no one has a principled rebuttal to this madness? It is a modern day piety that has supplanted the hapless churches. We are screwed…

      • Yes, that conspiracy among others are side effects. The root lies in the Churches inability to answer Newtons assertions/discoveries…If you want to go back in history, that would be a good starting point. All downhill from there. As an aside, my Catholic Boys HS in LA was shut down due to its involvement in playing with some of the students..Its now a Jewish Rec center near 3rd and La Brea. I worked in the Rectory doing dishes for spare change, only one identifiable straight guy out of the clergy could be identified by my gaydar..The rest acted like little children.

        In fact, I believe that the sooner these institutions dissolve, the better, for in their place will have to come an institution that cogently addresses mans nature-Using unassisted human reason.

    • One of their weapons is endless modulation of the righteous frustration with people who are radically denying reality. It’s incredible how they have been able to get entire societies nodding in a mindless way to ‘up is down’ etc. (((They))) are laughing all the way to power over the disoriented.

  3. “Divide and rule (from Latin dīvide et imperā), or divide and conquer, in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.”

    It’s about control, it always was and always will be. There is no greater threat to any ruling class than an educated, moral, and united populace.

  4. I couldn’t get thru much of this – maybe try again later. But remember that Timothy Leary video you posted that, at the very least, suggested that the whole 1960s “Drug Revolution” was nothing more or less than CIA sponsored (at least) cultural engineering? Well, I figure there’s gotta be another victory party video out there for the “gender revolution” – I bet the party happened about the time when National Geographic (for a century the voice of the deep state) ran a triumphal “Gender Revolution” cover issue – was that 2016, 2017?

    Is that enough to go on? Post that video please! What a scoop it would be!

    This is cultural engineering plain and simple; no culture “naturally” evolves to the point in barely a generation at which significant number of teenage girls are clamoring for radical mastectomys. I never had kids but I almost want to cry when I come across an account of parents of such children who are absolutely devastated by the loss of their daughters (usually). There was some “radical feminist” who was so distraught that she recently ended up presenting such an account at a conference of the arch neo-conservative Heritage foundation — the only group who would listen to her.

    Thank you.

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