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Biden’s Game Of Chicken: “We Won’t See A Debt Ceiling Solution Until The Market Panics”

Zero Hedge | May 2, 2023

By Philip Marey, Senior Strategist at Rabobank


  • Yesterday, Treasury Secretary Yellen sent a new letter to the Congressional leadership, with the message that the X-date could arrive as soon as June 1.
  • With the adoption of the Limit, Save, Grow Act in the House of Representatives and President Biden’s unwillingness to negotiate about conditions for a raise in the debt limit, a game of chicken between Republicans and Democrats has started.
  • So far, markets reacted to the possibility of a US federal government default with a revealed preference for one month treasury bills over longer dated T-bills. However, we are still far from the panic needed to break the stalemate between Republicans and Democrats. This is likely to occur closer to the X-date.
  • Either this game is over within a few weeks or we are going to see a suspension of the debt limit until later this year. In both cases, we are not likely to see any solution until financial markets start to panic.


1 Comment on Biden’s Game Of Chicken: “We Won’t See A Debt Ceiling Solution Until The Market Panics”

  1. All orders of action are sent down to the D.C. tools direct from Satan’s Synagogue, to them. They have had millennia to refine their talent at nation-murder. Although the bodies’ dogma is the same. the bodies themselves were fire dancers until they had a mass “turtle-necking” party +/- 740 A.D. The Ashkenazi, (Khazarians) are NOT of the tribe of Abraham they certainly do have their love of gold. Hence many were drawn to the primary lust of the “money changers”, Gold.

    Was it the Romans who framed, tortured then murdered our savior or, as usual, were they simply following orders as they, (Goim) do today? Read the verse, then meditate on it;

    Matthew 27: 24 -25
    Seeing that it did no good but, rather, an uproar was arising, Pilate took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying: “I am innocent of the blood of this man. You yourselves must see to it.” At that all the people said in answer: “Let his blood come upon us and upon our children.”

    Again, accepting that Revelation is a book of prophecy, are the Romans labeled as His killers? Did the Romans pay-off Judas? As today and in the coming tribulation, the Roman troops were willing tools, yes, but again, as with the corrupted law enforcement and Fed agencies, they are nothing more than useful idiots as labeled by a real-live demon in the flesh, Kissinger identified them? Even the foolish Evangelicals will, in the end, pay for their financial support.

    ‘I know your tribulation and poverty—but you are rich — and the blasphemy by those who call themselves Jews and really are not, but they are a synagogue of Satan.

    Revelation 3:9
    Look! I will make those from the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews yet are not, but are lying—look! I will make them come and bow before your feet and make them know that I have loved you.

    Remember, the Central Bank Clan, (CBC) has been banned from European nations over ONE HUNDRED TIMES, many more than once. Were the people of those nations just mindless hate mongers or were they victims of the money lenders’ ritual sacrifice, usury and destruction? If you want to know who rules over you, simply look for those you CANNOT CRITICISE. As a Christian, I harbor no hatred for those who say they are Jews but are not – but are lying. But again, turning to scripture, one is set straight. The Christ, prior to His framing, torturing and murder, had tried one last time, to draw ABRAHAM’S blood line away from the “oral traditions of men” but, again they chose to follow their Talmud and rejected Christ, DEMANDING his blood be spilled and wanting it to be on their hands and their children’s…

    Since their god is Satan, they are a curse which has plagued/corrupted mankind for a very, very long time. Earthly man is no match for – “… a synagogue of Satan.” Our Creator will be settling all accounts. Since He cannot be bought, threatened or murdered, it has to be Him.

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