–Babylon Bee | Feb. 14, 2023
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has proudly announced that the U.S. has managed to go a whole 24 hours without any trains flying off the tracks and exploding into balls of fire while spewing deadly chemicals into the air.
“This is a momentous achievement for our country,” said Buttigieg to a cheering crowd. “All the choo-choo-trains are still on the tracks! And it’s been a whole day! So many people worked hard to accomplish this goal and we were successful. This is definitely because I’m gay.”
I tried to post a comment on the Brighteon site video about the Ohio train derailment. I used to deliver Compressed Carbon Monoxide to a Phosgene mfg plant where it (CO) was mixed with Chlorine gas. Those involved seem to be downplaying the release of the PhGas. While it does have commercial applications as a catalyst in the production of useful things, it was designed to be a Chemical Weapon. Death by PhGas is horrific ! Depending on concentration and amount/time of exposure, your lungs fill with fluid (drown) and eventually they (your lungs) dissolve. Brief or minor exposure causes issues, as the CO bonds to hemoglobin, preventing oxygen from doing so. Similar to, and deadly as, “the bends”.