Russ Winter Joins Trad Cat Knight’s Eric Gajewski to Discuss Israeli Cyberspying and Google’s Tyrannical Search Engine

Host Eric Gajewski and guest Russ Winter discuss the spreading threat of Israeli cyber spying (Pegasus) and Google’s throttling and suppression of searches of those who don’t tow the New Underworld Order’s narrative. Winter Watch’s new non-YouTube video highlight box is introduced. Show is 30 minutes long on the money.

Back on with Dino Ryan live at 9 p.m. EST Tuesday.

3 Comments on Russ Winter Joins Trad Cat Knight’s Eric Gajewski to Discuss Israeli Cyberspying and Google’s Tyrannical Search Engine

  1. You’re exactly right about how all of that works. There have been people calling it out for years now, too, and the military, safeguards (Fed, etc) do nothing, in spite of the information about it being pretty easy to come by, as long as you have a brain that works. Guy that makes some good videos (including a recent one on Sean Penn) did a great summary of the tech stuff, pre-NSO ‘revelations’ here:

    Then you mention the ‘hole’ in FB, which is probably ‘by design,’ at least within certain factions up top. This is particularly relevant concerning your Catholic guest, but I’d say it’s very relevant to everyone. Again, gotta keep in mind that NSO/Pegasus was dispersed everywhere, but highly focuses, a ‘testing ground’ in Cartel-Run Mexico, where no reduction in Crime, or Border Issues, or any of that, has significantly changed whatsoever, in regards to the actions of our ‘ally.’ Just a bunch of journalist/civilian targeting, and FB doing this, while other actions at the border:



    • Oh- I forgot Sean Penn. I swear man. If someone had Bono, Sean Penn, Jimmy Iovine, and probably Puff Daddy- locked up in a facility somewhere, you could probably locate half the corruption in the US (which they are plugged right into).

      • Okay, I do see where you are going with this post and I am appreciative. It does take a little while for the substance to kick in, but then I think it coveys points reasonably.

        Yeah, I do miss the whole Penn family, Madonna tied to a chair (her words), the cheating (Ms. Wright’s words) and the plain insanity of this fella’s press life; however, this video is still quite good in the summation of Mr. Penn’s perspective.



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