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Review of ‘The Big Short’: Essential Viewing

“The Big Short,” a movie based on Michael Lewis’ book about the lead up to the financial crisis of 2007–2010, is rare and unique among Hollywood’s shit storm of depravity, and it’s one that’s essential to see and support. It follows the simultaneous trials and tribulations of three groups of people who discovered the breeding ground of fraud behind the home-lending mortgage backed security market.

I must say that I was initially skeptical about watching this movie because of the involvement of Brad Pitt as the producer as well as actor in a minor role. He portrayed the lead in the horrifically evil movie “Inglorious Basterds,” which I reviewed here. I had also read the book by Michael Lewis.

But on the issue of banksterism scams, Pitt and director Adam McKay seem to have had an epiphany. “The Big Short” movie is a tour de force of truth and revelation, one that is absolute must viewing for all. I was frankly surprised about this and kept looking for lies and misdirection throughout. I watched it twice to make sure. There was goy “Brad and Janet” ethnic decoying but a least many of the key shyster corporations involved were identified.

The two main characters, Michael Burry (Christian Bale) and Mark Baum (Steve Carell), read like a morality play, which is why I praise the movie. Although the two are different personalities, I also greatly identified with them. The movie gives an excellent background of the fraudulent construct of the mortgage market in a way that any educated layperson can understand. Meet Mark Baum:

At first, the players thought they were shorting stupidity. But the climax of the movie arrived at 88:00 and 93:00 with scenes where Baum and Burry had the come-to-Jesus moment in which they realized the whole system was based on criminal fraud, rigging, and infestations, not just stupidity. It invalidates the bogus Hanlon’s Razor. This totally transcends to the present to an nth degree. The scene in Las Vegas, when Baum is speaking with the Merill Lynch mole about conflicts of interest and open criminality, should be replayed and etched into the psyche of all truth seekers.

Even when the market broke, the too-big-to-fail banksters froze market pricing until they could unload on Aunt Millie. Burry realized his grueling wait was over when the crooks at Goldman Sachs finally called him to start offering a real market. This was done after the fact, with no price discovery discounting ahead of time. This lesson applies today more than ever.

At 112:00, Mark Baum gives a classic speech on systemic fraud saying ultimately it was the “small people who pay for this.” At 117:00, Micheal Burry’s message as he closed down his fund after big profits is also one for the ages.

Today, the message and morality of this movie resonant multiplied. At the end, the movie makes it clear that nothing has changed. The movie has garnered some Golden Globe and Oscar buzz, but nothing came of it. It is a miracle the movie was even made in this form. Since it requires a minimum 106 IQ to comprehend, the box office was so-so, but that shouldn’t sway readers.

Investor Michael Burry Warns Of Biggest Market Bubble In History As He Returns To Twitter

Ranks up there with Brazil’s O Inimigo Dentro (The Enemy Within) which we reviewed here: A Crime Syndicate Primer: Brazil’s ‘O Inimigo Dentro’ (‘The Enemy Within’)

6 Comments on Review of ‘The Big Short’: Essential Viewing

  1. Lots of friends were able to follow the gist of this movie, which was almost a surprise for me. Many people get it, but it’s as deep as most people go with it. They still don’t have a comprehensive understanding of the underpinnings of the financial system. It takes a lot of study to put together the bigger picture. Blogs like this help.

  2. When I began looking into the giant bankster scam of the housing market collapse some years ago, it was easy to discover that prime suspects in pushing the fraud were Bill Clinton and George W Bush. They would talk up the housing market and push lending operations to loan to high risk borrowers. They knew a collapse was in the works and no doubt they and their cronies profited handsomely. The system is way beyond sick. It is a crime operation in it’s very heart and soul run by satanists.

    • Presidents are just front men for the real demonic scoundrels (as they are pulling the levers to get us Gentiles all genocided):

      “The Big Short” was linked to the below website a few years ago to help people see the connections that we are all in a foul economic system that is inimical to both national and individual well being:

      There are other good movies linked there as well — Aaron Russo’s “Trading Places” which is key in showing that we are SHAPED by our environment and is the other significant half to the “nature / nurture” equation. Another good eye opener there is the “Free State of Jones” — which sees the real enemy of North and South and how it can be made right in your own little corner against tyranny.

      Here is the right economic AND nurturing environment for us Humans:

      It would be best if we UNIONIZED UNDER GOD (as per the link above) to save our skins for what’s coming.

  3. The Big Short is an excellent film, and should be required for all students in the 7th or 8th grade. There are one or two weak scenes, and a little bit of exaggeration in the pair who short the “A”s since they were not nearly as organic to finance or trading as portrayed (but hey the way it is done makes for a better story — no harm, no foul).

    Now if your IQ happens to be below 106 points, please do not worry. Here at WW we have something for you as well, and the best part…you will know more than 99.9 % of the graduates from “B-school” in just 30 minutes.

    By giving you this little cartoon, I feel like Tom Vu leading you to the “Promise Land” of how fortunes are actually generated in the United States, and the “why” bubbles burst (I will give you a hint: it ain’t fu*cking “irrational exuberance” that the old gnome used to bring up as sections of the economy crumbled during his tenure — we are still paying for LTCM!).

    And just in case you are not as ancient as me, this is Mr. Tom Vu:

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