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The Mob Comes for Cher

PHOTO: FanSided

Her white savior complex is half-baked.

By Paul Kengor | 5 April 2021

THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR — Cher, the celebrity-turned-political-hatchet-lady for liberals, has made sport of torching Republicans, to the delight of leftists. But alas, the Left is like Saturn: it eats its own children. Eventually, any progressive in good standing is bound to run afoul of the Ministry of Truth, condemned for apostasy in the liberal church. As the list of thought crimes and unacceptable language ever evolves, even the most social-media-savvy left-winger can’t keep up with what is and isn’t permissible.

As Ms. Cher learned over the weekend.

Cher shared what she believed was a touching statement of solidarity with George Floyd. Her sentiment was delivered in a politically palatable way for progressives — that is, in between various uncorked rants fulminating at Republicans for the latest whatever-whatever. Or, to quote Cher: “RACIST GOP LAWMAKERS” in “Every KU KLUX KLAN STATE.”

With those re-expressed liberal bona fides, Cher issued a statement of empathy — or so she thought. […]

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