Doctor Who Demanded Mandatory Mask Law Pictured Partying Maskless on Boat Surrounded by Bikini-Clad Women

‘It’s OK when we do it!’

By Paul Joseph Watson | 25 November 2020

SUMMIT NEWS — The world’s so-called “hottest doctor,” who has repeatedly called for mandatory mask laws and social distancing, was pictured maskless partying on a boat in Miami while surrounded by bikini-clad women.

Mikhail Varshavski, known as ‘Dr. Mike’ online, completely contradicted his own advice by throwing a ‘super-spreader’ 31st birthday party for himself on November 12.

“A picture of Varshavski on a boat in Sunset Harbor surrounded by 14 other people — most of them bikini-clad women — has since done the rounds with his fans calling him out for hypocrisy,” reports the Daily Mail.

Another video shows the doctor massaging a woman’s neck on the deck of the boat while wearing a face scarf that isn’t even covering his nose. […]

3 Comments on Doctor Who Demanded Mandatory Mask Law Pictured Partying Maskless on Boat Surrounded by Bikini-Clad Women

  1. The power of Ass-hole will always trump the power of Common Sense. Always has, always will, until the Sun transitions to Red Giant.

  2. There will always be someone, but someone will always be willing to say the words that the powers that be want said, with confidence, and rinse and repeat.
    In this case it is Filthy Lying Jew (FLJ),
    You will be seeing more of Doctor Varshavski, when he comes out for euthanasia.
    Not for Jews, that would be too much like the holohoax.
    Euthanasia for Thee, but not for Me!

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