Soviet-Style Economic Collapse Being Ushered in as America version 2.0

Soviet Russia breadline late 1980s. PHOTO: Pinterest/Peter Turnley

One of the ramifications of restricting the movements and activities of healthy people is an economic breakdown and all that entails. It’s basic Social Economy 101 for simpletons. Only deliberate dark triads like Bill Gates and his posse would equate such tyranny to a quarantine to protect the more vulnerable.

Read “Bill Gates and the Mark of the Geek”

The following meme is the litmus test. We must now assume anybody proposing further restricting the movements of healthy people to be members of the New Underworld Order Crime Syndicate or their stooges, and enemies of the people. This must be said for anyone not speaking out against the $6 trillion stimulus hara-kiri heist, as described and properly defined in Winter Watch posts and recent podcasts.

Tim Kelly and Russ Winter Discuss Covid-19 and the Exchange Stabilization Fund Looting Ops

TradCatKnight Radio’s Eric Gajewski, Russ Winter Cover the Mnuchin-Run ESF and the Gray State Agenda

One sign of a Soviet-style collapse for the America version 2.0 phase will be never-ending shortages of masks, ventilators and dapper cadaver dummies.

The next stage will be further restrictions slowing or halting output and the movement of goods. As the hysteria intensifies during the phony “tsunami phase,” workers may fear illness or refuse to work. For more and more goods, it is now taking longer for deliveries, or they won’t deliver many items at all.

Confirming the Bolshevik America hunger phase, there’s a report from Reuters:

The milk supply chain has seen a host of disruptions that are preventing dairy farmers from getting their products to market.

Mass closures of restaurants and schools have forced a sudden shift from those wholesale food-service markets to retail grocery stores, creating logistical and packaging nightmares for plants processing milk, butter and cheese. Trucking companies that haul dairy products are scrambling to get enough drivers as some who fear the virus have stopped working. And sales to major dairy export markets have dried up as the food-service sector largely shuts down globally.

Added to the poor testing for COVID-19 comes late-in-the-day clarification from the criminals running this operation in terms of how they define a death by Covid-19. It opens the way for reporting abuse and fraud on a grand scale.

The official @CDCgov guidance for coding COVID-related deaths is as follows: any death where the disease “caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.” Confirmed lab tests are not required.

And whodathunk, pneumonia cases this season are way down.

It’s telling and unfortunate that the Crime Syndicate has played the Alinskyite class card, but this in fact is what has happened. The remaining not-accounted-for percentage reflects people not in work force.

Those who have no job to return to after the “quarantine” by socioeconomic group: Lower 56%, Lower middle 41%, Middle 29%, Upper middle 22%, Upper 25%.

Separately, in the real world and away from Lugenpresse theatrics, Torchy offers up some of her observations around town today. We encourage readers to share theirs in the comments section below.

Torchy in Soviet America

These were my comment to friends in an email, but I guess Russ thinks they’re shareworthy.

So when everything suddenly shutdown here in northern California on March 16, I was lacking a few key things that I ended up having to purchase via Amazon. I’ve since received emails informing me that my items won’t delivered until sometime between the end of May and early June. And I don’t think my delivery issue is unique. I haven’t seen courier trucks in my neighborhood lately. Normally, I see at least one or two a day.

My husband have been trying to get out and take walks so we don’t atrophy. It’s incredible how quickly a sedentary lifestyle can affect one’s health when over the age of 40. Up until a few days ago, we would see others out on walks around our local neighborhood park, including couples, families and people with their pets. Today, on a Saturday afternoon, there was almost no one. And during the latter part of our walk, we were ominously followed for quite some time and uncomfortably close by a police SUV.

Typical sight in stores across California. PHOTO: Los Angeles Times

At the market and Costco tonight, shelves were still bare/sparsely filled. There were no sales or specials, and I noticed the prices on the goods I normally purchase had increased by about 25%. This was also reflected in my bill upon checkout — $215 at Costco instead of $150,  $120 at Sprouts instead of $80.

There was no regular butter, little milk. Looks like eggs have finally been replenished. I’m told that in order to get bread, toilet paper or paper towels, one has to arrive at the market at 5 a.m., or right when the doors open at Costco. Of course, if too many people arrive at once — like right when the store opens to buy bread — you’ll be told to wait in a line outside because of social distancing mandates.

USSR consumer goods shortage in 1990.

So I would call the phase we’re in, or moving into, the “Soviet America” phase, because it reminds me of the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent bread lines, shuttered businesses, unemployment and hyper inflation.

What the Soviets didn’t have was the social isolation factor, which is psychologically cruel. Now, I better understand why residents of Wuhan screamed from their windows. Loneliness, and a sense of solidarity.

Yes, I suspect I will soon be screaming from my window. But I won’t be shouting “keeping it up, California!”

32 Comments on Soviet-Style Economic Collapse Being Ushered in as America version 2.0

  1. Corona is a planned demolition of the U.S. economic bubble that was going to pop anyway.

    Look at who quietly got bailed out a month ago with TRILLIONS.

    Notice how nobody will tell you the accuracy rate of the “Corona Test”.

    • I agree. The fed started throwing huge cash injections into the repo markets last September. I don’t think the virus is a “hoax” but I do think it was decided to hype what was a probably nastier than usual flu into the end of the world when the fed realized that it was powerless to sustain the financial markets.

      The average US household could not handle an emergency expense of $500 when they had jobs. I don’t think a $1200 check is going to get people through the end of May.

      With people primed to wait in lines to get ahead of shortages, inflation in the financial sector from fed bond buying will be replaced by consumer price inflation caused by a drop in production coupled with direct cash payments to consumers with a psychology of desperation.

      • What is interesting to me is how Congress and the Fed were totally unwilling to rein in the banks with Dodd-Frank which was initially supposed to re-impose Glass-Stegal through the so-called Volker Rule and yet they continued to let banks run wild and gamble with depositors’ money.

        That left the Fed no choice but to rescue all these banks or the entire banking system would fail and there would be runs on the banks and a complete Grand or Great Depression of incalculable magnitude. Deutche Bank has been on life support every night at 5:00 pm for a couple of years.

        So unfortunately, the Fed has had no choice but to shore up the banks, its real reason for living. The good news is that the Fed and Central Banking in general won’t survive this in the long run and I believe government will get very local in the future. World Government is dead. Requires trillions of dollars to sustain it if not force it on everyone by the butt of a gun and the world is broke. Never going to happen.

        • The Big 4 Banks can (and should) be allowed to fail. Allow the other 60% share of the banking market to swallow them up. That’s how real capitalism works. What we have now is crony capitalism. On a very basic level, a big part of the problem is that the federal government would rather deal with 4 bankers who control 40% of the market rather than 4,000 individual firms that make up the other 60%.×963.png

          • Yes – well done Torchy. “They” don’t want ANY competition. That’s
            ALWAYS been the deal. I’ve read compelling arguments/essays for
            not just competition among banks, but competing currency, or paper notes, even within countries, or among states. What we have, for
            anyone who truly understands the so-called ((financial system)) is,
            ultimately by force of arms, a govt & corrupt court system enforced protection racket counterfeiting monopoly. Where the users of the
            “product” – which is debt – are forced to pay interest on the loans
            of the chains that bind them to ongoing theft by inflation and loss
            of purchasing power along with increased ‘diversity’ in the labor
            “market” forcing us to compete with the never ending hordes of
            cheap, motivated foreigners they know will always be available.
            And we have no say and no ‘vote’ in any of this. All thanks to the
            world’s favorite ethnic group, who call us names if we object.

  2. Walmart, a creation of Sam Walton, former military intelligence, and GHW Bush, the entity that deliberately destroyed countless thousands of small businesses, has announced in the Northeast, and this may be nation and world wide, that it will no longer sell vegetable seeds. They are calling the seeds “non necessary” items. Costco and other large corporations are falling in line. Seems they are planning a mass starvation program to go along with their mass vaccination program. The jackboot in your face every moment hour has arrived.

    • That is truly sinister. Shades of the Holodomor, in which Jewish Bolsheviks confiscated all the food, grain, crop seeds, farming tools, destroyed the standing crops and livestock, banned all food imports, restricted all movements, imposed an international media blackout, and even conducted intimate body searches of babies to find hidden morsels of food.

      Why? Because the Christian Ukrainian farmers resisted the mass seizure and collectivisation of their land. So the Jewish Bolsheviks starved 12 million of them to death in 1933, seven years before the start of WW2. Never taught in schools, while the Holocaust is endlessly rammed down everyone’s throats.

  3. Russ, unfortunately the embedded video with the COVID doll is not very convincing. The sign on the wall clearly shows that it’s a mannequin used for training purposes. Yes, the “news” report makes it seem like it’s a live patient, which is obviously misleading, but the video does not support the idea that powers that should not be are deliberately passing off dummies as live COVID patients. I would not be surprised if they ARE, but this video is not the proof we need.

    • Since this is a psyop, it’s up to those of us paying attention to collate all of the available data and form a hypothesis. The establishment media and zog move in lockstep with one another and are not tailoring content for those using critical thinking skills. The posted video uses lying through omission to craft a perception in the average viewers mind which corresponds to the City of London/Wall Street narrative. Their true enemy is open source anything.

    • Hammy stated it quite well. Listen to the voiced narrative that went with that image. It is grossly unethical propaganda of the worst sort, as the wool is pulled over the eyes of the viewer. Lord only knows how much cartoon world black magik subterfuge is being steadily conveyed to the public.

    • Yes, it was stated quite well. I’m so grateful to those who are out there catching things like this.

      Despite the sign, obviously it would be criminal to be giving a hospital bed AND a respirator to a dummy (the plastic kind, anyway), were there truly throngs of sick humans needing care. That would be tantamount to negligent manslaughter, at best.

    • I agree with David Bauer.

      The video of the mannequin being ventilated is clearly a training video as per the sign on the wall.

      Characterising this as deliberate deception is wrong and does not help our case one iota, in fact, it detracts from it and just feeds the conspiraloon meme.

      Would you really expect them to show a real video of a real patient being intubated ?

      Complete;y counter-productive imo.


      • Just conveniently posing a dummy for show while running a scare voice narrative is at the minimum extremely unethical. I am as alert as they come and didn’t notice the sign when they ran this scam. If it gets called out as a fake patient by some let the chips fall where they may. Am tired of their little games.

  4. On the bright side, the global winter influenza numbers should see a rapid decline…I guess they found a cure for the common cold.

    On the dark side, I see this as a war on privacy. I’m in New Zealand, we have 1 fatality so far. The country, lacking any semblance of a constitution to fall back on, is flying blind and directed by fear. As of yesterday, I am not allowed to go into the ocean ( I live 100 meters from the sand) since I could wind up drowning and causing my immediate bubble to get violated or god forbid, draw away essential services from someone.. All actions are now justified under the guise of safety first or we ALL DIE…

    A hotline was set up to rat on violators of the lock-down last week and the site was overwhelmed with over 4000 complaints in the first hour. Now we all look at our neighbors with distrust. I even got some dirty looks from a Pajama Dad as I was hauling some non essential wood for my non essential garden I wish to build for my non essential food since some non essential packaging factories in China no longer produce packaging.

    I say war on privacy because I now see people’s reactions to each other. Everyone is a potential contaminant. I therefore need to know the status of every being in my immediate universe. Do they have an app that proves they were tested and all clear? How can a fear laden Pajama Man like myself ever know? And, are we ultimately ever all clear if mutations occur-Which they will since its a bio-weapon anyway. Proof of Vaccination will be the only way.

    The Government handed out a few thousand dollars to all small businesses, with the caveat that your name goes on a register. Question now is, will that register state that you and your employees are among the all clear group? Whose gonna hire your labor, or by a product from you if you haven’t demonstrated that you or your product are virus free-Even if viruses don’t act that way anyway

    I expect the other shoe to drop very soon or I expect this thing to go away as fast as it arrived since the people gaming this out might conclude the Goy being wiser than expected

    On the other hand, if this thing mutates and causes slight nose bleeds AND we mandate the wearing of masks in public at the same time , then all bets are off for privacy. People will shit themselves at the sight of another.

    The tanking of the fake economy is a given. 6 trillion in new money drifting into an economy that lost 4 trillion in equity might not lead to inflation, I think they call that wealth transfer.

    Hell, we (NZ) rely 30% on tourism and trinkets..We are as they say “Royally Screwed”

    Dependency seems to be the only viable control mechanism and the loss of privacy will cause this via UBI’s Vaccinations, and overall compliance to the law of the day

    If you’ve ever read “Plantation Ownership For Dummies” I think rule number #1 is never let the slave know he is a slave.

    Without privacy we are slaves

    • Wow, thanks for the insight. Yes, I see that distrust/fear here, too. Reports from friends and family in Hawaiian islands indicate things are shut down there entirely, even on the outer islands where there’s essentially no outbreak. Major resorts have closed until end of May. If you don’t have the 15-min. virus test right before you board a flight to Hawaii, you’re required to quarantine for two weeks when you arrive. If you live there, you quarantine at home. If you don’t, you’re required to stay at an authorized quarantine hotel, and you have to flip the bill. I hope their supply chains don’t get cut off.

  5. On the bright side, the global winter influenza numbers should see a rapid decline…I guess they found a cure for the common cold.

    On the dark side, I see this as a war on privacy. I’m in New Zealand, we have 1 fatality so far. The country, lacking any semblance of a constitution to fall back on, is flying blind and directed by fear. As of yesterday, I am not allowed to go into the ocean ( I live 100 meters from the sand) since I could wind up drowning and causing my immediate bubble to get violated or god forbid, draw away essential services from someone.. All actions are now justified under the guise of safety first or we ALL DIE…

    A hotline was set up to rat on violators of the lock-down last week and the site was overwhelmed with over 4000 complaints in the first hour. Now we all look at our neighbors with distrust. I even got some dirty looks from a Pajama Dad as I was hauling some non essential wood for my non essential garden I wish to build for my non essential food since some non essential packaging factories in China no longer produce packaging.

    I say war on privacy because I now see people’s reactions to each other. Everyone is a potential contaminant. I therefore need to know the status of every being in my immediate universe. Do they have an app that proves they were tested and all clear? How can a fear laden Pajama Man like myself ever know? And, are we ultimately ever all clear if mutations occur-Which they will since its a bio-weapon anyway. Proof of Vaccination will be the only way.

    The Government handed out a few thousand dollars to all small businesses, with the caveat that your name goes on a register. Question now is, will that register state that you and your employees are among the all clear group? Whose gonna hire your labor, or by a product from you if you haven’t demonstrated that you or your product are virus free-Even if viruses don’t act that way anyway

    I expect the other shoe to drop very soon or I expect this thing to go away as fast as it arrived since the people gaming this out might conclude the Goy being wiser than expected

    On the other hand, if this thing mutates and causes slight nose bleeds AND we mandate the wearing of masks in public at the same time , then all bets are off for privacy. People will shit themselves at the sight of another.

    The tanking of the fake economy is a given. 6 trillion in new money drifting into an economy that lost 4 trillion in equity might not lead to inflation, I think they call that wealth transfer.

    Hell, we (NZ) rely 30% on tourism and trinkets..We are as they say “Royally Screwed”

    Dependency seems to be the only viable control mechanism and the loss of privacy will cause this via UBI’s Vaccinations, and overall compliance to the law of the day

    If you’ve ever read “Plantation Ownership For Dummies” I think rule number #1 is never let the slave know he is a slave.

    Without privacy we are slaves

  6. Great stuff Russ, keep up the good work.

    The definition of death attributable Covid-19 thing reminds me of the definition they used to define Holocaust Survivor in order to claim a payout, which I recall is something along the lines anyone that stepped foot on the soil of any country that was at anytime occupied by the Nazi’s.
    Many stories out there of Jews fleeing, stopping in some place such as France while waiting for a train or plane (like a couple hours) and then later being able to claim survivor status.

    Hoax of epic proportions.

  7. Also, I wonder how many of the folks that “died” were receipts of the flu shot for this past season? Inquiring minds.

    And one for the ridiculous column: In my neck of the woods we had a 64 y.o. guy take a header down a flight of stairs, crack his head open and end up in the hospital. He passed a few days later — news article cause of death — “complications from Corona virus.” I shit you not.

  8. This psyop is going swimmingly for the crime syndicate I reckon. Here in Arizona there’s a large amount of salt of the earth types who aren’t scared much, another group of the same-ish size of terrified pajama people. I’ve confirmed with multiple healthcare workers that their volumes are way down here, about 50% of normal levels. Stores aren’t very low on supplies outside of toilet paper. It’s interesting to observe different stores’ operations in all this. For example, comparing the two grocery chains near me, Frys and Safeway- outside of the tape on the floor for social distance and the idiotic plexiglass put up to protect the cashiers, Frys is operating the same as they used to. Safeway, on the other hand, is tripping out. Besides the two precautions I mentioned previously, everybody’s gloved and masked up, and they have an associate that acts as the social distance police, barking at people if they get too close to each other. It’s also interesting to me how the difference in the atmosphere between the two affects the people. The added precautions that Safeway is using creates an environment that is swamped in fear. It’s surreal, walking through there, seeing how scared people are. Poor folks don’t realize they’re getting conned. I’d love to try to tell them, but they look at me like I got the bubonic plague because I don’t mask up. It’s actually wonderful in some ways. The people that I never wanted to speak to anyways are now purposely avoiding me. I’m also looking smarter and smarter to my family every day. I remember some members in my family looking at me like I was a tinfoil hat wearing fool when I purchased some freeze dried food a few years ago. Same thing with the land I bought out in the sticks- they looked at me at the time as if to say “why’d you want to live way out here in the middle of nowhere?” Now they’re starting to understand…

    • I noticed a big difference between Home Depot and Lowe’s today.

      Home Depot was much more rigid and controlled than Lowe’s. You could only use one entrance and many of the employees were masked and using gloves, while at Lowe’s all entries were open, didn’t see many masks or gloves, and the overall atmosphere was more relaxed.

      I, too felt a strong feeling of satisfaction navigating around the people who were all masked up.

      Masks are both stupid and dehumanizing. Unless and until they suspend the constitution and have to send the jackboots to force me, I’ll never wear a mask.

      • Yes, I’d say about 2/3 of the people I see out and about now are wearing masks. It is dehumanizing. When we just distanced at six feet, people could still exchange smiles and speak to one another. Now, you can’t. Exacerbates the feelings of isolation. If I was’t married, I’d probably be having a hard time with this.

        Where are all these folks getting all these masks anyway? I thought there was big shortage crisis nationwide. Just sayin’.

      • Lowes was founded two Christians in the bible belt.
        Home Depot was founded by two Jews (Blank and Marcus) that ripped off the Lowes concept — as these types are wont to do, as they have zero ability to create anything original. When given a choice, I always try to go to Lowes for that reason alone.

  9. Dr Stefano Montanari, Italian nano-pathologist who is another leading medical figure exposing the coronavirus scam, sees the economic motivation as well:

    “It is a colossal fraud. Mortality from the virus is very low … But an illness *with* the virus is another matter. In summary, one cannot die of covid-19 unless the patient has previous pathologies.

    If someone has cancer, or a heart condition, and also accidentally the coronavirus, what does it mean? We are really facing a colossal scam.

    If someone is run over by a train, the ensuing trauma is the cause of death. If he who is run over by a train happens also to have a cold, the cold is not the cause of death. He casually happened to have a cold.

    There are very many coronaviruses. in the overwhelming majority of people it remains innocuous and without showing clinical indication of symptoms. But it hits, as an illness, old people, especially old people who take medicines used to treat other pulmonary diseases, or who have other pathologies.

    Healthy people suffer absolutely no damage from this virus. The virus is found everywhere in the billions, like billions of other viruses.

    If we sought the virus in the 60-million Italians, we would find it at least in 30 million and probably more.

    This virus is found everywhere and it stays there without absolutely causing any harm, just like the enormous number of other viruses, present but harmless. Most of those who are actually positive have no symptoms – as is the case with the vast majority of viruses that exist in this world.

    If all deaths were checked – about 650,000 people die in Italy physiologically every year – you would find more than half having the coronavirus, probably many more than half. The omnipresence of the coronavirus type and other coronaviruses is a fact, not a hypothesis.

    All these coffins are part of the 650,000 deaths we have every year in Italy – there is no increase in mortality. You know very well, as a journalist, how easy it is to manipulate text and images to create a message.

    In Italy, we have 49,000 deaths per year due to infections contracted in the hospital. The data is official. 49,000 people, (130-140 people per day) die because they are admitted into a hospital, say, for an appendicitis and then they die of pneumonia

    A respirator is common equipment in a hospital. That we have too few (in Italy) is due to our having, through the last 10 years, destroyed our health system. the purchasing system is corrupted . The governor of the region of Lombardy was recently sentenced to six years in jail for stealing funds (hundreds of millions) destined tfor health care.

    We are now economically blocking the world. The ultra billionaire can easily purchase companies that are now worth pennies. All who were rich will be infinitely richer

    Only an incompetent can imagine a vaccine against a virus that does not give immunity and has no chance of being effective. We are close to 8 billion people being forced to be vaccinated and it will be an unimaginably enormous business.

    People should be told to stay outside in the sun, to walk, to move around, to try staying healthy and eat healthily. Not to stay indoor, in the dark and without sun.”

    – Dr Stefano Montanari, Italian nano-pathologist
    video partly translated by Jimmy Moglia:
    original video in Italian:

  10. Russ, I am glad that you have realized the fakeness of the plandemic. But this was not your initial position and we had a small discussion about it (I said I side with Rappoport, you were pointing to the Spanish flu). Curious to know when you changed your mind and what triggered it? Stay steady and best regards, MA.

    P.S. I have documented a lot at my blog with blog name as my posting ID here.

    • Final confirmation was the draconian gray state lockdown combined with stimulus aka hara kiri boondoggle and looting. The Italian re-evaluation and NYC data was the icing.

  11. “…The following meme is the litmus test. We must now assume anybody proposing further restricting the movements of healthy people to be members of the New Underworld Order Crime Syndicate or their stooges, and enemies of the people. This must be said for anyone not speaking out against the $6 trillion stimulus hara-kiri heist, as described and properly defined in Winter Watch posts and recent podcasts….”

    And that includes any idiot that buys anything the MSM govt. sanctioned “pajama people” scenario as well. The virus is likely real, but so is The Bill of Rights! Social distancing should be voluntary, not mandatory! Shelter in place? Same thing. Lockdown? Same thing. Voluntary!

  12. (Via Vox Day.) Bill Gates point blank refused vaccinations for his own children:

    This admission came from the Gates family’s personal physician in Seattle, who was speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).

    The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, “I don’t know if he (Gates) had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.”

    In the course of his philanthropic work, Bill Gates has become one of the world’s most vocal proponents of forcing everyone to vaccinate their children.

    According to the report here:

  13. Important site is Dr. Blaylock discusses how to respond to a forced vaccination that is coming our way. I know about these evil vaccinators first hand. My 34 year old daughter 15 years ago was persuaded by her evil joo doctor to take 3 gardisil vacs.
    She never discussed this with me. I was awoke enough at the time to know that gardisil was bad news. When she proudly related that she had taken the shots, I erupted in outrage. Sure enough, married and trying to conceive, she has been told that it is not possible, that she may well enter menopause within a year. All these evil bastards deserve on sight execution.

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