By G. Edward Griffin | 22 April 2020
NEED TO KNOW (CNS) — Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of president Trump’s coronavirus task force, is demanding that people ‘shelter in place’ and practice ‘social distancing’ but, when asked whether strangers should hookup using dating apps, Fauci said, “If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.” [If Fauci really is concerned about the spread of a virus, he would have to favor a stop to all dating just as he favors closing down businesses and preventing children from visiting their grandparents. Think about it.] — GEG
[CNS News] Dr. Anthony Fauci, the scientific lead in the president’s coronavirus task force, has advised people to practice social distancing, but when asked whether asymptomatic strangers should hookup using apps such as Tinder and Grindr, Fauci said, “If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.”
Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, made his remarks during an April 14 interview on Snapchat’s “Good Luck America.” […]
Trump is such a clown re his appointments and the advisors he chooses.