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Germany Launches ‘How to Identify Nazi Parents’ Guide For Schools

Screen shot of a Middle East-themed playground in Germany taken from a booklet provided to German educators that instructs them on how to 'identify Nazi parents.' PHOTO: Ene, Mene, Muh (And You’re Out!)

By Chris Tomlinson | 6 December 2018

BREITBART — A new booklet for daycare workers that claims to help identify “Nazi parents” suggests looking out for girls with braided hair and athletic boys.

The 60-page booklet, entitled Ene, Mene, Muh – And You’re Out! was designed by the far-left “anti-hate” Amadeu Antonio Foundation ,which is headed by former Stasi informant Annette Kahane and based in Berlin with the foreword being written by Social Democrat (SPD) Family Minister Franziska Giffey, Berliner Kurier reports.

Ms Kahane made headlines in 2015 after the German government recruited her and the foundation to scour social media for “xenophobic posts” during the height of the migrant crisis. […]

4 Comments on Germany Launches ‘How to Identify Nazi Parents’ Guide For Schools

  1. Girls with braided hair may indicate Nazi parents?! WTF? This is so stupid, I’m almost at a loss for words. In elementary school, I had long blonde hair that my mother would put into Swedish braids. Lock ‘er up! And in Bohemia, braided hair is culturally traditional. But then I guess that’s the point, isn’t it — to destroy traditional white culture. Yet another reason to boycott Germany.

  2. “to help identify “Nazi parents” suggests looking out for girls with braided hair and athletic boys.”….oh, oh, those nasty National Socialists and what cruelty they inflicted on their young people. I’ve had it up to my ying-yang with Germans on their knees to Jewish supremacists who used their financial power in the 30’s to force war criminals like Churchill and Roosevelt into fanning up a small German-Polish conflict into a world war. While European peoples and their descendants in western countries murdered each other in WW2, the damn Jews emerged from the war the only real victors, though they did extremely little of the fighting.

    • Don’t take it too seriously; hardly anyone in Germany did when it first appeared: it was widely ridiculed on social media — the article text is largely correct, whereas the headline here (“Germany launches …”) is not — as stated, it was a product of the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, led by ex-Stasi Jew Anetta Kahane — Franziska Giffey is one of the most vapid female politicians in Germany — in 2019 she narrowly escaped having her social science PhD revoked, although an investigation found a good deal of it was plagiarized.

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